Example thumbnail image


Show the status of Life Limited Items with respect to qualification limits. Usage information is read from events. Events are always scanned from start of mission to end period of the generated report.


Browse source code here.

Configuration options

titleGraph titlerequiredLife limited itemsstring
filenameAllow filename to be set manuallyoptionalstring
widthWidth of generated plotrequired1000int (pixels)
itemEvents to be plottedmultiple
labelY-axis label for this itemrequiredstring
eventEvent property to read lifetime usage counts fromrequiredeventproperty
limitMaximum allowed usages. Time interval values are converted into seconds.requiredint
xlabelX-axis labelrequired% Life Consumedstring
bar-spacingSpacing between each barrequired4int
bar-heightHeight of each barrequired28int
label-fontsizeFont size for X-axis labelsrequired8uint (pt)
title-fontsizeFont size for X-axis labels. Set to either 0 or 10 (0 disabled title)required0uint (pt)
descriptionInclude a description table underneath the main imagerequiredFalseboolean


    option 1
    option 2

This shows an example of the basic declaration of the widget with no options. Options are added as: <name>value</name>