Example thumbnail image


A line or scatter plot of either timeseries data or event properties. Either all points data or orbital statistics can be shown with optional trend lines.


This widget has additional information in a wiki page.


Browse source code here.

Configuration options

titleForce title for this graphoptionalstring
title-fontsizeFont size for title. 0 to disable. Only 0 or 10 (not used) are acceptedrequired0int (pt)
filenameForce name of output fileoptionalstring
bar-widthbarwidth floating valuerequired5e-05float
datapointData points to be plottedmultiple
fieldTimeseries data point to plot. Enter just fieldname if unique, otherwise table.fieldnameoptionalstring
tableRowcount plot (stats only)optionaltable
eventPlot a numeric or duration property from an event classoptionaleventproperty
y-axisGive name of y-axis to attach torequiredleftstring, select from:
  • "left"
  • "right"
labelLegend labeloptionalstring
accumulateKeep a count of number of events found. Only for use with event plots with no property selectedoptionalFalseboolean
constraintPer-field filteringmultiple
tableTable containing the conditional clausesoptionaltable
clauseFilter this data series by a condition (e.g. MHS_MODE=3)multiplestring
colourLine and shade colour and default marker colouroptionalcolour
edge-colourEdge colour if different to line edge colouroptionalcolour
markerMarker type for scatter plotsrequiredstring
marker-colourMarker colour if different to line colouroptionalcolour
marker-sizeMarker size for scatter plotsrequired1.0float
bar-widthbarwidth floating valuerequired5e-05float
trendlineShow a trendline for this seriesrequiredFalseboolean
linestyleLine type for scatter plotsrequiredsolidstring
linewidthLine width for scatter plotsrequired1float
absolute-start-timeSet start time for plot to literal time or `launch`optionaldatetime
absolute-stop-timeSet stop time for plot to literal time or `now`optionalstring
scidFor SCID-less reports, individual graphs can be plotted using data from selected satellitesoptionalstring
regionStats region if stats table used (ORB, 30MIN, DAY, HOUR etc.)optionalstring
limitsto display red/yellow/onboard limits if configuredrequirednonestring, select from:
  • "none"
  • "ground"
  • "onboard"
  • "all"
samplingSource table class for samplesrequiredautostring, select from:
  • "auto" (Select all-points if <1d 00:00:00.000 data, otherwise stats)
  • "all-points"
  • "stats"
  • "orbital-stats"
  • "daily-totals"
subsamplingSubsampling moderequiredautostring, select from:
  • "auto" (Subsample if more than 3 times as many points as pixels (not implemented) or if this is a coverage (ROWCOUNT) plot)
  • "none" (No subsampling)
  • "subsampled" (Subsample points to 1 row per pixel)
modulusSubsampling factoroptionalint
widthWidth of the normal non-zoomed imagerequired680int (pixels)
heightHeight of the normal image. If height is omited but width is specified, an aspect ratio of 3/2 is usedoptionalint (pixels)
thumbnail-widthObsolete option. If is specified, becomes zoomed widthoptionalint (pixels1)
thumbnail-heightObsoleteoptionaluint (pixels)
appearanceAppearance of graphrequiredautostring, select from:
  • "auto" (Select "min-max-avg" normally for a single data point, otherwise "line". Coverage plot uses "bar")
  • "line" (Line graph)
  • "scatter" (Scatter plot)
  • "line-dots" (Scatter plot with connecting line)
  • "bar-over" (Overlayed Bar graph)
  • "bar-istar" (ISTAR-MSG styled Bar graph)
  • "bar-istar-gapless" (ISTAR-MSG styled Bar graph without gaps)
  • "bar-side" (Side-by_side Bar graph)
  • "bar" (Bar graph)
  • "min-max-avg" (For single data point plot only, using statistics or subsampling only. Graph used separate lines to show the min, avg and max values.)
  • "min-max" (For single-point subsampled or stats plots only, draw separate min and max lines)
  • "dynrange" (For subsampled or stats plots only, show min/max ranges as filled polygons with an averages line)
  • "pie" (Pie graph)
calibratedPlot calibrated valuesrequiredTrueboolean
trimClip all x-axes to only include the time range containing non-null datarequiredFalseboolean
show-orbitsShow orbit numbers along top axisrequiredautostring, select from:
  • "auto" (Show orbits if height > 300 pixels)
  • "true" (Always show orbits)
  • "false" (Never show orbits)
legendNonerequiredautostring, select from:
  • "auto" (None for min-max-avg plot, otherwise outside-right)
  • "none" (No legend)
  • "embedded" (Embedded, auto position)
  • "embedded-top-left" (Embedded, top left corner)
  • "embedded-top-right" (Embedded, top right corner)
  • "embedded-bottom-left" (Embedded, bottom left corner)
  • "embedded-bottom-right" (Embedded, bottom right corner)
  • "outside-right" (To the right of the graph)
  • "below-desc" (HTML table underneath the graph, include field descriptions)
  • "below-desc-stats" (HTML table underneath the graph, include field descriptions and statistics)
annotationAnnotate the plot with additional textmultiple
marker-sizeDefault marker size for datapoints in a scatter plotrequired1.0float
normaliseShift lines vertically so they all begin at the same levelrequiredFalseboolean
rowcount-thresholdFor stats plots only, discard all points where the rowcount is less than THRESH (as a proportion of the nominal rowcountrequired0.7float (proportion)
anomaly-responseControl how to handle anomalous data pointsrequirednonestring, select from:
  • "none" (No anomaly processing)
  • "axis" (Exclude anomalies from automatic y-axis adjustment)
  • "remove" (Remove anomalies)
  • "remove_histogram" (Remove anomalies using a histogram-based approach)
anomaly-thresholdAdjustment for anomaly detection. Valid for stats or subsampled data only. Number of standard deviations from the mean of the standard deviations which is considered an anomalyrequired2.5float
anomaly-bin-ratioAdjustment for anomaly detection for response option "remove". Mean number of data points per bin. The lower the number, the more precise the anomaly detection at the expense of computation time.required50int
anomaly-cutoff-percentageAdjustment for anomaly detection for response option "remove". Maximum percentage of data points removed from each end of the value range. The higher the value, the more data points are removed.required2int
dynrange-alphaWith dynrange appearance, vary the transparency of the vertical min-max linerequired0.5float
oversamplingIf is not in use, read a bit more data either side of nominal report duration to avoid appearance of data gapsrequired0.01float
x-axisConfigure an x-axismultiple
positionLocation of axis. Can only have one bottom (time) and one top (orbit) x-axisrequiredbottomstring, select from:
  • "top"
  • "bottom"
locatorMethod used to work how where to place major and minor tick-marks. Pass an integer for fixed numberrequiredchartstring, select from:
  • "chart" (Custom CHART method)
  • "matplotlib" (Matplotlib default method)
  • "hour" (Ticks based on count of hours)
  • "day" (Ticks based on count of hours)
locator-modulusFor fixed interval locators (hour etc) specify number of units between major ticksrequired1int
absolute-start-timeAdjust graph start time if different to report start timeoptionaldatetime
absolute-stop-timeAdjust graph stop time if different to report stop timeoptionalstring
relative-start-timeAdjust graph start time if different to report start timeoptionalduration
relative-stop-timeSet the stop time of this graph to an offset from the report start timeoptionalduration
round-start-timeRound down the start time to a nice valueoptionalstring, select from:
  • "day"
  • "week"
  • "month"
  • "year"
fontsizeFont size for tick marks and labelrequired8int
colourUse a named (matplotlib) colour, or #RRGGBB (hex values)optionalblackstring
labelOverride the default axis labeloptionalstring
label-colourSpecify label colour, if different to tick mark colouroptionalcolour
label-fontsizeFont size for label if different to tick mark font sizerequired8int
y-axisConfigure default or additional y-axesmultiple
minForce axis start (min) pointoptionalfloat
default-minSuggested axis start, shifted if data needs itoptionalfloat
maxForce axis stop (max) pointoptionalfloat
default-maxSuggested axis stop, shifted if data needs itoptionalfloat
marginWith automatic y-axis limits selection a small margin is added to the computed axis limitsrequired0.05float
fontsizeFont size for tick marks and labelrequired8int
colourColour for tick marks and default label colouroptionalstring
labelForce axis labeloptionalstring
label-colourSpecify label colour, if different to tick mark colouroptionalcolour
label-fontsizeFont size for label if different to tick mark font sizerequired8int
positionNonerequiredleftstring, select from:
  • "left"
  • "right"
minor-ticksDistance between minor tick marksoptionalfloat
zoomSpecify appearance of enlarged image, when zoomed in the web interface of for PDF renderingoptional
widthWidth of zoomed imageoptionaluint (pixels)
heightIf omited, non-zoomed aspect ratio is usedoptionaluint (pixels)
label-fontsizeFont size for label if different to tick mark font sizerequired8int


    option 1
    option 2

This shows an example of the basic declaration of the widget with no options. Options are added as: <name>value</name>