Example thumbnail image
Geolocated plot of a single parameter.
This widget has additional information in a wiki page.
Browse source code here.
Configuration options
Name | Description | Quantisation | Default | Type | ||||||||||||||||||||
filename | None | optional | string | |||||||||||||||||||||
absolute-start-time | Use fixed value such as "launch" or an ISO8601 data as the start of the graph | optional | datetime | |||||||||||||||||||||
datapoint | If present, timeseries data is plotted onto the image | optional | field | |||||||||||||||||||||
event | If present, events of the given class are plotted onto the image | multiple |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
width | None | required | 1000 | uint (px) | ||||||||||||||||||||
height | None | optional | uint (px) | |||||||||||||||||||||
thumbnail-width | None | required | 680 | uint (px) | ||||||||||||||||||||
thumbnail-height | None | optional | uint (px) | |||||||||||||||||||||
projection | None | required | cyl | string, select from:
| ||||||||||||||||||||
blue-marble | Use NASA Blue Marble background image instead of flat colours for land and sea | required | False | boolean | ||||||||||||||||||||
sea-colour | None | required | #f0f0f0 | colour | ||||||||||||||||||||
land-colour | None | required | #e0e0e0 | colour | ||||||||||||||||||||
latitude | Latitude (y-axis) centre point | required | 0.0 | float | ||||||||||||||||||||
longitude | Longitude (x-axis) centre point | required | 0.0 | float | ||||||||||||||||||||
condition | None | optional | string | |||||||||||||||||||||
phase | None | optional | string, select from:
| |||||||||||||||||||||
marker-size | Size of marker used for plotting points | required | 6 | uint | ||||||||||||||||||||
max-duration | Allow image to be clipped to a certain time duration | optional | duration | |||||||||||||||||||||
colourbar | Show a colour bar | required | True | boolean | ||||||||||||||||||||
overlay | Display an overlay over the Geoplot | multiple |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
show-empty | Display the plot even when no data is available | required | True | boolean | ||||||||||||||||||||
title | Specify the title, otherwise use default title test | optional | string |
<geoplot> option 1 option 2 ... </geoplot>
This shows an example of the basic declaration of the widget with no options. Options are added as: