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Draw a table of events or other data. A number of <columns> can be defined containing elements: <name> Allows a <renderer> defined inside a <source> to refer back to this column. Also used as the table header text if <label> is omitted. <label> Text for the column header. <description> An optional column tooltip. <template> A Django template applied to each piece of data to render the text for this column. Can be overridden using <render> elements inside individual <source> elements. <sort> Set to "ascending" to sort on this column. And a number of data <sources> can be given with: <event> This element can be repeated to list all the event class names to be retrieved <condition> A template which if it evaluates to string "drop", this row is removed from the final output. Or if evaluated to "keep", keep the row and stop processing. <render> One or more render conditions, each one containing a <column> element specifying the column name to render and <template> for the template itself. <keep> Specify a different <template> response that means we keep the packet. Is a regular expression. <drop> Specify a different <template> response that means we keep the packet. Is a regular expression. A template is a Django template. For events this can use items: {{start}} Start time {{stop} Stop time {{description}} Event class <description> text {{classname}} Event class name {{duration}} Length of the event {{properties}} Instance properties dictionary, i.e. {{properties[abc]}} to access individual properties {{start_orbit}} Orbit number at start of event, for LEO projects {{stop_orbit}} Orbit number at end of event, for LEO projects {{latitude}} Latitude at start of event, for LEO projects {{longtude}} Longitude at start of event, for LEO projects


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Configuration options

titleTitle for the tableoptionalstring
columnDefine each single table columnmultiple
nameData source for this column, either directly from the data source or from a column element belowrequiredstring
labelDisplay name for the column, if different to nameoptionalstring
templateOptional default template for this column. Can be overridden on a per-source basis by