Example thumbnail image


Insert one or more paragraphs of text into a report. Strings are expanded using the Django template engine. The following variables are available: * {{scid}}: Retrieve Spacecraft-ID for projects that use them * {{start}}: Start time of the report period * {{stop}}: Stop time of the report period * {{sid}}: Name of the data source (spacecraft ID, ground station ID, or other) * {{sat_name}}: Name of the underlying spacecraft, if available (usually same as SID but could differ if for example, SID was a validation source then sid might be "M02 (VAL)" and sat_name might be "M02" * {{sat_acryonm}}: For CHART-EPS only gives an abbreviated spacecraft name. In practice same as sid * {{gentime}}: Timestamp when the report is being created * {{settings}}: Data structure holding the project settings i.e. settings.port to give web server IP port * {{template}}: Name of the report XML file being generated * {{chart}}: Access to the chart module, used to give versions i.e. chart.version Also available is the {%link%} command for intra-report links - see wiki page for more details.


This widget has additional information in a wiki page.


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Configuration options

textPlain text paragraphmultiplestring
rstRestructuredText paragraphmultiplestring


    option 1
    option 2

This shows an example of the basic declaration of the widget with no options. Options are added as: <name>value</name>