Example thumbnail image
Display horizontal bar chart showing the min/max values for a list of parameters in the given time range, and also show the MCS limits on the same axis.
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Configuration options
Name | Description | Quantisation | Default | Type |
title | None | required | Parameter limits | string |
filename | None | optional | string | |
datapoint | None | multiple | field | |
width | Width of output image (height is not configurable and depends on number of values shown) | required | 680 | uint (pixels) |
thumbnail-width | Width of initially displayed thumbnail image | required | 680 | uint (pixels) |
sampling | Quantisation of input data | required | all | string, select from:
calibrated | Use calibrated data | required | True | boolean |
label-unprefix | Prefix string to remove from all y-axis labels | optional | string | |
y-label | None | required | Mnemonic | string |
label-fontsize | Font size for axis labels | required | 8 | uint (pt) |
title-fontsize | Font size for the title. 0 disabled embedded title. Only 0 and 10 can be used. | required | 0 | uint (pt) |
x-min | Left axis limit | optional | float | |
x-max | Right axis limit | optional | float | |
default-x-min | Left axis limit | optional | float | |
default-x-max | Right axis limit | optional | float | |
table | None | required | legend+stats | string, select from:
stats-sf | If given force the significant figures for rendering the stats table | optional | int | |
dynamic-stats-sf | Use an algorithm to guess the correct number of significant figured in legend table | required | False | boolean |
<limits> option 1 option 2 ... </limits>
This shows an example of the basic declaration of the widget with no options. Options are added as: