Example thumbnail image


Render a histogram for a list of data points.


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Configuration options

titleHistogram titleoptionalstring
filenameForce output filenameoptionalstring
datapointData point(s) to computemultiple
fieldTimeseries data point to plot. Either a datapoint or an event+property must be specifiedoptionalfield
eventPlot a numeric or duration property from an event classoptionaleventproperty
axisSpecify axis (1=left, 2=right)required1int
labelLegend labeloptionalstring
colourForce a specific render colouroptionalcolour
samplingQuantisation of input datarequiredall-pointsstring, select from:
  • "auto" (Switch between all-points and stats data depending on duration of report)
  • "all-points" (Use tables only)
  • "orbital-stats" (Use per-orbit averages only)
calibratedUse calibrated datarequiredTrueboolean
widthWidthrequired1000int (pixels)
heightHeightrequired600int (pixels)
ylabelOverride label for y-axisoptionalstring
label-fontsizeFont size for axis labelsrequired10int (pt)
absolute-start-timeForce start time for histogramoptionaldatetime
absolute-stop-timeForce stop time for histogramoptionaldatetime


    option 1
    option 2

This shows an example of the basic declaration of the widget with no options. Options are added as: <name>value</name>