Example thumbnail image


Display horizontal bar chart showing the min/max values for a list of parameters in the given time range, and also show the MCS limits on the same axis.


Browse source code here.

Configuration options

titleOverride default titleoptionalstring
filenameOverride default filenameoptionalstring
thumbnail-filenameOverride default thumbnail filenameoptionalstring
x-seriesField to show in X axisrequiredfield
y-seriesField to show in Y axisrequiredfield
relative-start-timeApply an offset from the report start time to the start of the graphoptionalduration
relative-stop-timeApply an offset from the report start time to the stop of the graphoptionalduration
heightHeight of output imagerequired800uint (pixels)
widthWidth of output imagerequired800uint (pixels)
thumbnail-heightHeight of initially displayed thumbnail imagerequired500uint (pixels)
thumbnail-widthWidth of initially displayed thumbnail imagerequired500uint (pixels)
x-axis-minx-axis min limitoptionalNonefloat (pixels)
x-axis-maxx-axis max limitoptionalNonefloat (pixels)
y-axis-miny-axis min limitoptionalNonefloat (pixels)
y-axis-maxy-axis max limitoptionalNonefloat (pixels)
marker-colourColour of marker symbolsrequiredbluestring
edge-colourColour of edge symbolsrequiredblackstring
marker-sizeSize of plotting symbolrequired2uint (pixels)
line-styleLine styles in plotrequiredsolidstring
line-widthWidth of lines in plotrequired1uint (pixels)
marker-shapeShape of plotting symbolrequiredcirclestring, select from:
  • "circle"
  • "plus"
  • "point"
  • "square"
  • "star"
  • "triangle"
label-fontsizeFont size for axis labelsrequired8uint (pt)
title-fontsizeFont size for the title. 0 disabled embedded title. Only 0 and 10 can be used.required0uint (pt)


    option 1
    option 2

This shows an example of the basic declaration of the widget with no options. Options are added as: <name>value</name>