This tool converts times between various formats including satellite orbit numbers. Click 'Help' for more information.
Enter time
Type a time value in a support format in the box above click 'Convert' to see the same time in various formats.
Inputs can by in any of the following formats:
- Year with month and day, and optional time of day (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss), i.e. "2010-03-02 12:00:00" or "2009-01-01"
- Year and day of year (YYYY-DDD hh:mm:ss), i.e. "2010-88" or "2009/361 12:00:00"
- Satellite and orbit number i.e. "M02 20045" or "N18 6345.2"
Click 'Current time' to insert the current date and time into the box, or click 'Calender' to use a graphical calender to select a time.