# CHART Scheduler configuration files
namespace xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
element schedule {
attribute xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation { "http://chart/schemas/schedule.xsd" }? &
## Describe the purpose of this configuration file
element description { text }? &
element enabled { xsd:boolean }? &
## Set up the conditions to create a job or jobs
element trigger {
## Time based hourly trigger
element hourly {
element minute { xsd:unsignedInt { maxInclusive="59" } }?
} |
## Time based trigger at the same time every day
element daily {
element hour { xsd:unsignedInt { maxInclusive="23" } } &
element duration { xsd:duration }? &
element offset { xsd:duration }?
} |
## Time based trigger at the same day and time each week
element weekly {
element day { "Monday" | "Tuesday" | "Wednesday" | "Thursday" |
"Friday" | "Saturday" | "Sunday" } &
element hour { xsd:unsignedInt { maxInclusive="23" } } &
element offset { xsd:duration }?
} |
## Time based monthly trigger
element monthly {
element day { xsd:unsignedInt { minInclusive="1" maxInclusive="31" } } &
element hour { xsd:unsignedInt { minInclusive="0" maxInclusive="23" } } &
element offset { xsd:duration }
} |
## Directory monitor
element directory-monitor {
element directory { text } &
element pattern { text } &
element pdu-delay-queue { xsd:unsignedInt }? &
element timeout { xsd:duration }? &
element parser { text }?
} &
## What should we do when a trigger is met?
element response {
element sid { text }? &
element scid { text }? &
element gsid { text }? &
element cfid { text }? &
element ogsid { text }? &
element activity { text, element scids { text }? }*
} *