
This is an auto generated page describing the SGA1-ACC-THR-ON-TIME event.

Class properties

The following properties and values apply to all events of this class:

DescriptionSGA1 Accumulated Thruster On-Time
Template None

Instance properties

The following properties are defined for this event class, and each instance of the class has it's own values:

SID uint
AST0155A floatYes
AST00F01 floatYes
AST013A9 floatYes
AST010E1 floatYes
AST01249 floatYes
AST008F3 floatYes
AST01690 floatYes
AST0101A floatYes
AST01E19 floatYes
AST01DF8 floatYes
AST01E71 floatYes
AST01DD8 floatYes

Raised by

No activities raise events of this class.


This event class is defined in the following file: aocs_events.xml.