
This is an auto generated page describing the OPERATOR-STATUS event.

Class properties

The following properties and values apply to all events of this class:

Template {%if item_description and comment%}{{item_description}}, {{comment}}{%elif item_description %} {{item_description}}{%elif comment %}{{comment}}{%endif%}{%if reference%}, {{reference}}{%endif%}

Instance properties

The following properties are defined for this event class, and each instance of the class has it's own values:

item_description stringYes
comment stringYes
status string
FullOp Fully Operational
DegOp Operational with minor degradation/limitation
LimOp Operational with major degradation/limitation
Nop Not Operational
NotApp Not applicable
Blank No Status Reported
trend string
NoImpact any trend (if there is any) will have no impact before end of life at current rates
ImpactLong any trend will lead to a change of status before the end of life at current rates
ImpactShort any trend will lead to a change of status within the next year at the current rates
ImpactEOL any trend will impact ability to perform EOL operations within the next year at the current rates
Blank no trend reported
FullOp Fully Operational
DegOp Operational with Degraded Performance
LimOp Operational with Limitations
Nop Not Operational
NotApp Not applicable
Blank No Status Reported
arrow string
Right no negative trend, i.e. stable
RightDown negative trend, expected status to be reached between one year and target EOL
RightUp positive trend, expected status to be reached between one year and target EOL
Down negative trend, expected status to be reached within one year
Up positive trend, expected status to be reached within one year
Off Instrument/subsystem switched-off
Blank no trend reported
component stringYes
sub_component stringYes
operator stringYes
event_category stringYes
reference stringYes
soi_number intYes
duration durationYes

Raised by

No activities raise events of this class.

This is an operator event which can be ingested manually via the event viewer.


This event class is defined in the following file: operator_events.xml.