
This is an auto generated page describing the ONBOARD-EVENTS event.

Class properties

The following properties and values apply to all events of this class:

DescriptionService 5 Onboard Events
Template None

Instance properties

The following properties are defined for this event class, and each instance of the class has it's own values:

Name stringYes
Severity uint
1 NORM Normal
2 WARN Warning
3 ERROR Error
4 ALARM Alarm
Not Applicable
SPID uint
Description stringYes
SSC uint
APID uint
Type uint
SType uint
Param1 uintYes
Param2 uintYes
Param_Data jsonYes
Hex_Data jsonYes

Raised by

The following activities may raise instances of this event:

ONBOARD_EVENTSGenerate ONBOARD EVENTS from PUS Service 5 Event Packets


This event class is defined in the following file: onboard_events.xml.