1#!/usr/bin/env python3
  3"""Top level admin tasks for a CHART-based project.
  5This is configuration file for the `invoke` tool. To use run the following commands in the top
  6level of the project:
  8  `invoke -l`
  9    Print a list of available commands with descriptions.
 11  `invoke <command> --help`
 12    Print detailed help for a single function.
 14  `invoke [-e] <command> [<options>]`
 15    Run a command, optionally echoing each step to terminal before executing it, with optional
 16    command parameters.
 19import os
 20import sys
 21import stat
 22from pathlib import Path
 23import importlib
 25from invoke import task
 26import dotenv
 28output = sys.stdout
 30# configuration file used to fix sub repositories
 33# for setting up completion in activate scripts
 34PROJECT = 'chartepssg'
 36# ssh connection string for TST docker deployment
 37SSH_TST = 'chartepssg@chartepssgap1'
 39RELOAD_TST_CMD = 'NO_ANSI=1 docker-chartepssg-TST/start.sh --reload'
 41# For creating database
 42DEFAULT_POSTGRES_HOST = 'localhost'
 44# For creating database
 47# For creating database
 48DEFAULT_PSQL = 'psql'
 50# User to log in as to create users and databases
 53def core_dir():
 54    """Return location of CHART-framework top directory.
 56    It must either be on PYTHONPATH or as a subdirectory of this directory.
 58    Also set sys.path if needed so it can be imported.
 60    And PYTHONPATH so child processes can find it
 61    """
 62    import chart
 63    # print('imported', chart.__file__)
 64    # if you import a directory that's not a module, in python 3.6 (current OPE) there
 65    # is not __file__ attribute. Under python 3.7+ it exists but is None
 66    if not hasattr(chart, '__file__') or chart.__file__ is None:
 67        del sys.modules['chart']
 68        here = Path(__file__).parent
 69        # print('here', here)
 70        chart_dir = here.joinpath('chart')
 71        if chart_dir.joinpath('chart').is_dir():
 72            # print('inserting', chart_dir)
 73            # Yes, this is what PEP8 says don't do. But otherwise we have to rely on users
 74            # setting PYTHONPATH before running anything else
 75            sys.path.insert(0, str(chart_dir))
 76            # Also what PEP8 says don't do
 77            os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '') + ':' + str(chart_dir)
 78            # print(sys.path)
 79            import chart
 80            # print('reimport fie', chart.__file__)
 82        else:
 83            raise IOError('Cannot find CHART core - try setting PYTHONPATH or placing it in this '
 84                          'directory')
 86    return Path(chart.__file__).parent.parent
 89def dev_repo(c, repo):
 90    """Fix sub repositories."""
 91    config = dotenv.dotenv_values(DOCKER_CONF_FILE)
 92    # Assume we have to fix 2 sub repositories defined by the config file entries
 93    # GIT_[repo]_[DIR|REPO|REMOTE|BRANCH]
 94    # local directory name of the repository
 95    repo_dir = Path(config['GIT_{repo}_DIR'.format(repo=repo)])
 96    # remote repository URL
 97    repo_repo = config['GIT_{repo}_REPO'.format(repo=repo)]
 98    # git server name of the remote repository
 99    repo_remote = config['GIT_{repo}_REMOTE'.format(repo=repo)]
100    # branch to clone/switch to
101    repo_branch = config['GIT_{repo}_BRANCH'.format(repo=repo)]
102    if not repo_dir.exists():
103        print('Cloning {repo}/{branch}'.format(repo=repo_repo, branch=repo_branch))
104        c.run('git clone {repo} --origin {remote} --branch {branch} {dir}'.format(
105            repo=repo_repo, remote=repo_remote, branch=repo_branch, dir=repo_dir))
107    else:
108        with c.cd(repo_dir):
109            print('In {dir} fetching from {repo}'.format(
110                dir=repo_dir, repo=repo_repo))
111            c.run('git fetch {origin}'.format(origin=repo_remote))
112            print('Switching to {branch}'.format(branch=repo_branch))
113            # git switch is the newer command but we have some Centos 7.9 servers
114            # with git 1.8 with no switch command
115            c.run('git checkout {branch}'.format(branch=repo_branch))
116            c.run('git branch {branch} --set-upstream-to {origin}/{branch}'.format(
117                origin=repo_remote, branch=repo_branch))
120def dev_activate(c):
121    """Write activate script."""
122    # Make an `activate` script for the project
123    # Includes sourcing 'env/bin/activate' virtual environment if directory present
124    here = Path(__file__).parent
125    activate_path = Path('activate')
126    completion_dir = here.joinpath('.completion')
127    completion_bash_dir = completion_dir.joinpath('bash')
128    completion_zsh_dir = completion_dir.joinpath('zsh')
129    with activate_path.open('w') as h:
130        h.write("""#!/bin/bash
131# Our launcher location
132export PATH={here}/bin:$PATH
134# not needed to normal operation but makes the automated tests simpler to run
135# and maybe nice for standalone project tool scripts
138# set up autocompletion (out of date, see JCS for better)
139if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
140    fpath=({here}/.completion/zsh $fpath)
141    autoload -U compinit
142    compinit -u
143elif [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
144    . {here}/.completion/bash/_{project}
145    complete -F _{project} -o default {project}
147""".format(project=PROJECT, here=here))
148        activate_path.chmod(activate_path.stat().st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
149        output.write('Wrote {script}\n'.format(script=activate_path))
151    import chartepssg.project
152    chartepssg.project.init()
153    core_dir()
154    from chart.cmd.launcher import scan_tools
155    tools = list(tool.name for tool in scan_tools())
157    c.run('mkdir -p {d}'.format(d=completion_zsh_dir))
158    zsh_completion_script = completion_zsh_dir.joinpath('_{p}'.format(p=PROJECT))
159    with zsh_completion_script.open('w') as h:
160        h.write("""#compdef {project}
161_arguments "1:Tool:({tools})" "*:Filename:_files"
162""".format(project=PROJECT, tools=' '.join(tools)))
164    zsh_completion_script.chmod(zsh_completion_script.stat().st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
165    output.write('Wrote {comp}\n'.format(comp=zsh_completion_script))
167    c.run('mkdir -p {d}'.format(d=completion_bash_dir))
168    bash_completion_script = completion_bash_dir.joinpath('_{p}'.format(p=PROJECT))
169    with bash_completion_script.open('w') as h:
170        h.write("""#!/bin/bash
171_{project} ()
173    local cur
174    cur=${{COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}}
175    if [ "$COMP_CWORD" == "1" ]; then
176        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '{tools}' -- "$cur") )
177    fi
178    return 0
180""".format(project=PROJECT, tools=' '.join(tools)))
182    bash_completion_script.chmod(bash_completion_script.stat().st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
183    output.write('Wrote {comp}\n'.format(comp=bash_completion_script))
186@task(help={'all_repos': 'Clone or update framework and all DU repositories',
187            'repo_framework': 'Clone or update framework',
188            'repo_du': 'Clone or update main DU',
189            # 'repo_srdb_du': 'Clone or update SRDB DU',
190            'activate': 'Write activate script',
191            })
192def dev(c,
193        all_repos=False,
194        repo_framework=False,
195        repo_du=False,
196        # repo_srdb_du=False,
197        activate=False):
198    """Set up development environment.
200    1. If framework and DU are missing, clone them (set CHART_GITLAB_REPO to use
201       non-EUM gitlab) (set CHART_GITLAB_KEY to use remote access key)
202    2. If framework and/or DU exist bugt are set to the wrong branch, attempt
203       to switch them
204    3. Create activate file
205    """
206    if all_repos:
207        repo_framework = True
208        repo_du = True
209        # repo_srdb_du = True
211    if activate:
212        dev_activate(c)
214    if repo_framework:
215        dev_repo(c, 'FRAMEWORK')
217    if repo_du:
218        dev_repo(c, 'DU')
220    # if repo_srdb_du:
221        # dev_repo(c, 'DU_SRDB')
225    'all': '(re)build all autogenerated content. Activates all the other options',
226    'force-framework': 'Force rebuilding of all generated content in the framework',
227    'force-proj': 'Force rebuilding of all content in the project',
228    'force-thirdparty': 'Rebuild web 3rdparty js modules',
229    'force-schemas': 'Rebuild all XML schemas',
230    'force-params': 'Rebuild SRDB versions and parameter store XML files',
231    'force-packets': 'Rebuild all PUS packet definition files and param1_param2_info',
232    'force-cal': 'Rebuild all calibration files',
233    'force-choices': 'Rebuild choices definition files',
234    'force-limits': 'Rebuild limits information',
235    })
236def build(c,
237          all=False,
238          force_framework=False,
239          force_proj=False,
240          force_thirdparty=False,
241          force_schemas=False,
242          force_params=False,  # ts and srdb_version
243          force_packets=False,  # includes param1_param2_info and param_spids
244          force_limits=False,
245          force_cal=False,
246          force_choices=False,
247          ):
248    """Build auto-generatable files required to run some or all tools."""
249    # For now the user has to manually force things to be built.
250    # A nice enhancement would be to check what needs to be built and just do those automatically
251    if all:
252        force_framework = True
253        force_proj = True
255    if force_framework:
256        force_thirdparty = True
257        force_schemas = True
259    if force_proj:
260        force_params = True
261        force_packets = True
262        force_limits = True
263        force_cal = True
264        force_choices = True
266    # Unpack third party web code if not present or if --force-thirdparty passed
267    build_thirdparty = force_thirdparty
268    third_party_dir = core_dir().joinpath('chart', 'web', 'static', '3rdparty')
269    if not third_party_dir.exists():
270        build_thirdparty = True
272    if build_thirdparty:
273        core = core_dir()
274        with c.cd(str(core)):
275            c.run('chart/web/3rdparty.packages/unpack.sh')
277    if force_schemas:
278        core = core_dir()
279        with c.cd(str(core)):
280            c.run('chart/schemas/build.sh')
282    else:
283        # this is the only option where we actually check if the work needs doing
284        from chart.schemas.schema_tool import convert_all_schemas
285        convert_all_schemas()
287    sats = [
288        {'srdb': 'SRDB/EPSSGA', 'sid': 'sga1',},
289        {'srdb': 'SRDB/EPSSGB', 'sid': 'sgb1',},
290    ]
292    if force_params:
293        for sat in sats:
294            c.run('{project} srdb --srdb {srdb} --sid {sid} --gen-version-info'.format(
295                project=PROJECT, srdb=sat['srdb'], sid=sat['sid']))
296            c.run(('{project} srdb --srdb {srdb} --sid {sid} --gen-table-xml TM.xml '
297                   '--storage-table TM_STORE').format(
298                       project=PROJECT,
299                       srdb=sat['srdb'],
300                       sid=sat['sid'],))
301            c.run(('{project} srdb --srdb {srdb} --sid {sid} --gen-table-xml TC.xml '
302                   '--tc --storage-table TC_STORE').format(
303                       project=PROJECT,
304                       srdb=sat['srdb'],
305                       sid=sat['sid'],))
307    if force_packets:
308        for sat in sats:
309            # param1-param2 file
310            c.run('{project} srdb --srdb {srdb} --sid {sid} --gen-param1-param2-xml'.format(
311                project=PROJECT, srdb=sat['srdb'], sid=sat['sid']))
312            # param-spids fast lookup file
313            c.run('{project} srdb --srdb {srdb} --sid {sid} --gen-param-spid-xml'.format(
314                project=PROJECT, srdb=sat['srdb'], sid=sat['sid']))
315            # TM packets
316            c.run('{project} srdb --srdb {srdb} --sid {sid} --gen-packets-xml'.format(
317                project=PROJECT, srdb=sat['srdb'], sid=sat['sid']))
318            # TC packets
319            c.run('{project} srdb --srdb {srdb} --sid {sid} --gen-packets-xml --tc'.format(
320                project=PROJECT, srdb=sat['srdb'], sid=sat['sid']))
322    if force_limits:
323        for sat in sats:
324            c.run('{project} srdb --srdb {srdb} --sid {sid} --gen-limits-xml'.format(
325                project=PROJECT, srdb=sat['srdb'], sid=sat['sid']))
327    if force_cal:
328        for sat in sats:
329            c.run('{project} srdb --srdb {srdb} --sid {sid} --gen-cal-xml'.format(
330                project=PROJECT, srdb=sat['srdb'], sid=sat['sid']))
331            c.run('{project} srdb --srdb {srdb} --sid {sid} --gen-cal-xml --tc'.format(
332                project=PROJECT, srdb=sat['srdb'], sid=sat['sid']))
334    if force_choices:
335        for sat in sats:
336            c.run('{project} srdb --srdb {srdb} --sid {sid} --gen-choices-xml'.format(
337                project=PROJECT, srdb=sat['srdb'], sid=sat['sid']))
338            c.run('{project} srdb --srdb {srdb} --sid {sid} --gen-choices-xml --tc'.format(
339                project=PROJECT, srdb=sat['srdb'], sid=sat['sid']))
343@task(help={'python': 'Disable all Python checks',
344            'css': 'Disable all CSS checks',
345            'js': 'Disable all Javascript checks'})
346def lint(c,
347         all=True,
348         python=False,
349         python_pylint=False,
350         python_pycodestyle=False,
351         python_pydocstyle=False,
352         python_mypy=False,
353         css=False,
354         css_csslint=False,
355         js=False,
356         js_jslint=False):
357    """Run static checks against source files."""
358    # Missing but doable:
359    # - HTML lint (plain and Django templates)
360    # - Prose (spelling, style and grammar), including prose in docstrings and HTML files
361    # - Shell script lint
362    # - Django lint
363    # - PostgreSQL schema lint
364    # - Filesystem lint (dupes, weird permissions)
365    # - RPM lint
366    # - restructuredtext lint
367    # - XML syntax and schema validation
368    # - RNC lint (by running trang)
369    if all:
370        python = True
371        css = True
372        js = True
374    if python:
375        python_pylint = True
376        python_pycodestyle = True
377        python_pydocstyle = True
378        # for some reason it can't find core directory which makes most of the outputs
379        # useless because it swamps with false errors
380        # python_mypy = True
382    if css:
383        # This probably works but csslint is too hard to install on most EUM machines
384        # css_csslint = True
385        pass
387    if js:
388        # jslint is hard to install on most EUM machines
389        # js_jslint = True
390        pass
392    if python_pylint:
393        c.run('pylint {project}'.format(project=PROJECT))
395    if python_pycodestyle:
396        # The docs claim the tool will find setup.cfg automatically but it doesn't work
397        # for me
398        c.run('pycodestyle --config=setup.cfg charteps')
399              # 'grep -v chart/web/static')
401    if python_pydocstyle:
402        c.run('pydocstyle charteps')
404    if python_mypy:
405        c.run('PYTHONPATH={core} mypy charteps'.format(core=core_dir()))
407    if css_csslint:
408        c.run('find chart -name \'*.css\' -type f | grep -v 3rdparty | grep -v includes | '
409              'PYTHONPATH=$PWD CHART_SETTINGS_MODULE=charteps.settings xargs chart/tools/check.py')
411    if js_jslint:
412        c.run('find chart -name \'*.js\' -type f | grep -v 3rdparty | grep -v includes | xargs jslint '
413              '--report xml')
417def doc(c):
418    """Automatic documentation."""
419    # We have lots of scope to make a big auto-generated document with lots
420    # of information about the project extracted from source and XML files and wiki pages
422    # extract --help pages for all command line tools
423    # doc_exe(c)  # usage for all executables
424    # doc_algs(c)
425    # doc_widgets(c)
426    # doc_reports(c)
427    # doc_schedule(c)
428    # doc_wiki(c)
429    # doc_sphinx(c)
430    # doc_source_uml(c)
431    # scan source code for line counts per language
432    c.run('PYTHONPATH=$PWD:$PWD/chart CHART_SETTINGS_MODULE=tests.settings '
433          '../chart/dist/cloc/cloc.py dist {project}'.format(project=PROJECT))
434    # doc_lint(c)  # coding style violations
435    # doc_combine(c)  # build a big pdf/word/html site
438class PgCursor:
439    """Very basic postgres cursor wrapper with some logging."""
440    def __init__(self, cursor, user):
441        self.cursor = cursor
442        self.user = user
444    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
445        """Run a query."""
446        self.cursor.execute(*args, **kwargs)
447        if len(kwargs) == 0:
448            print_kwargs = ''
450        else:
451            print_kwargs = str(kwargs)
453        print('Executed as {user} {args} {kwargs}'.format(
454            user=self.user, args=', '.join(args), kwargs=kwargs if len(kwargs) > 0 else ''))
455        return self.cursor
458class PgConnection:
459    """Very basic postgres connection wrapper with some logging."""
460<<<hidden due to potential security issue>>>
461        import psycopg2
462        self.user = user
463        self.connection = psycopg2.connect(host=host,
464                                           port=port,
465                                           dbname=dbname,
466                                           user=user,
467<<<hidden due to potential security issue>>>
468        self.connection.autocommit = True
469        print('Connected to postgres database {db} on {host} as {user}'.format(
470            db=dbname, host=host, user=user))
472    def cursor(self):
473        """Create a blank cursor."""
474        return PgCursor(self.connection.cursor(), self.user)
478    'host': 'Address or name of database server',
479    'port': 'Server port',
480    'create': (
481        'Postgres name of database to create. Database users will be created with this name as a '
482        'prefix. If omitted no database will be created'),
483    'psql': 'Location of psql tool',
484    'creator': (
485<<<hidden due to potential security issue>>>
486        'must already be set up'),
487    'init': (
488        'Project database connection to use when initialising objects. Must already be added to '
489        'project_settings.py or local_settings.py. If omitted no database objects will be created'),
491def db(c,
494       create=None,
495       psql=DEFAULT_PSQL,
497       init=None):
498    """Create and initialise a database, users, tables, views and functions.
500    If the `create` option is used we build a new, locked down database and create 5 users:
501    - `create`_admin
502    - `create`_enduser
503    - `create`_expert
504    - `create`_web
505    - `create`_ingester
507<<<hidden due to potential security issue>>>
508    The ingester user has write access to all tables; the others have only read access.
510    If the `init` option is used then all the blank tables, views, sequences and stored procedures
511    for the project are created. This relies on a CHART database connection being present.
512    """
513    if create:
514        # Create a new database and users and set up lockdown and security
516        # Make local administrator
517        print('Logging in as {u}@{h}:{p}/{db}'.format(
518            u=creator, h=host, p=port, db='postgres'))
519        creator_conn = PgConnection(host=host, port=port, dbname='postgres', user=creator)
520        creator_cursor = creator_conn.cursor()
521        admin_username = create + '_admin'
522        print('Creating admin user {a}'.format(a=admin_username))
523<<<hidden due to potential security issue>>>
524            admin=admin_username))
526        # Make database, owned by admin user
527        print('Creating database {d}'.format(d=create))
528        creator_cursor.execute('CREATE DATABASE {name} OWNER {admin}'.format(name=create,
529                                                                             admin=admin_username))
531        # Don't let anyone log in unless we say they can
532        print('Revoking normal privileges')
533        creator_cursor.execute('REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE {name} FROM public'.format(
534            name=create))
536        # New schema with limited permissions
537        admin_conn = PgConnection(
538<<<hidden due to potential security issue>>>
539        admin_cursor = admin_conn.cursor()
540        print('Creating protected schema')
541        admin_cursor.execute('CREATE SCHEMA protected')
542        print('Making protected schema the default')
543        admin_cursor.execute('ALTER DATABASE {name} SET SEARCH_PATH TO protected'.format(
544            name=create))
546<<<hidden due to potential security issue>>>
547            """Create a user with basic read permissions."""
548            # Make the user object
549            print('Creating user {u}'.format(u=username))
550<<<hidden due to potential security issue>>>
551<<<hidden due to potential security issue>>>
552            # Allow them to log in
553            print('Allowing {u} to connect'.format(u=username))
554            admin_cursor.execute('GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE {name} TO {user}'.format(
555                name=create, user=username))
556            # Let them see the tables
557            print('Allow {u} to read tables'.format(u=username))
558            admin_cursor.execute('GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA protected TO {user}'.format(user=username))
559            # Let them select all current and future tables
560            print('Allow {u} to read future tables'.format(u=username))
561            admin_cursor.execute(('ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA protected '
562                                  'GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO {user}').format(user=username))
564        # Make basic user
565        make_user(create + '_enduser', 'enduser')
566        # Make expert user
567        make_user(create + '_expert', 'expert')
568        # Make web user
569        make_user(create + '_web', 'web')
570        # Make ingester user
571        ingester = create + '_ingester'
572        make_user(ingester, 'ingester')
573        # Allow ingester to write to all tables
574        print('Allow ingester user to write all tables')
575        admin_cursor.execute((
576            'ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA protected '
577            'GRANT INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE ON TABLES TO {user}').format(user=ingester))
579    if init:
580        # Create tables, views, sequences, functions in the database
581        c.run('{project} django_manage migrate --database {db}'.format(
582            db=init, project=PROJECT), warn=True)
583        c.run('{project} ddl --db {db} --all-ts --execute'.format(
584            db=init, project=PROJECT), warn=True)
585        c.run('{project} ddl --db {db} --all-sys --execute'.format(
586            db=init, project=PROJECT), warn=True)
587        c.run('{project} ddl --db {db} --all-cal --execute'.format(
588            db=init, project=PROJECT), warn=True)
589        c.run('{project} ddl --db {db} --all-functions --execute'.format(
590            db=init, project=PROJECT), warn=True)
593@task(help={'environment': 'Run Python environment tests from core',
594            'framework': 'Run core application tests, using this project as the launcher',
595            'application': ('Run this project application tests. Tests using database and website '
596                            'will be skipped unless a database is configured'),
597            'doctest': 'Run source code doctests',
598            'web': ('Run web tests. For local tests a database is required. If --url is specified '
599                    'the tests will be run against an existing running web server'),
600            'database': 'Test database contents. Requires start, stop and optional sid',
601            'start': 'Start time for database tests',
602            'stop': 'Stop time for database tests',
603            'sid': 'Optionally restrict database tests to certain sid(s)',
604            'db': 'Database connection to use for application or database tests',
605            'url': ('If specified, website tests will be run against a remote web server not '
606                    'internal web server'),
608def test(c,
609         environment=True,
610         framework=True,
611         application=True,
612         web=False,
613         doctest=False,
614         database=None,
615         start=None,
616         stop=None,
617         sid=None,
618         db=None,
619         url=None,
620         xunit=None,
621         html=None,
622         verbose=False):
623    """Run automated tests.
625    Application checks may require a readable or writeable database but must supply any needed
626    test data.
627    Server tests can be done against a local server (requires a populated database and configuration
628    of time range) or against a remote server (default satellite and time range exists but can
629    be overridden).
630    Database checks are read only and require a database configuration, populated database,
631    and time range specified.
633    Use cases:
634    - A new developer wants to see some basic results
635    - During coding, a developer wants to perform a thorough check of their changes
636    - To routinely monitor an OPE website
637    - To routinely monitor database correctness
638    - To generate the test section in automatic documentation generation
639    """
640    params = []
641    # Don't use --xunit or --html unless you're only running one set of tests
642    # This would probably all work better if we squashed everything to a single call
643    # to pytest
644    if xunit is not None:
645        params.append('--junit-xml={f}'.format(f=xunit))
647    if html is not None:
648        params.append('--html={f} --self-contained-html'.format(f=html))
650    if verbose:
651        params.append('-v')
653    if application:
654        # project first otherwise the settings module gets skewie
655        # c.run('PYTHONPATH=$PWD:$PYTHONPATH CHART_SETTINGS_MODULE={project}.project_settings '
656        params.append('tests/application')
658    if environment:
659        params.append('{core}/tests/environment'.format(core=core_dir()))
661    if application:
662        params.append('--launcher={project} {core}/tests/application'.format(
663            project=PROJECT, core=core_dir()))
665    if doctest:
666        # c.run('python -m doctest -v {project}'.format(project=project))
667        # c.run('pytest --doctest-modules --disable-warnings{flags} chart', pty=True, flags=flags)
668        #  --doctest-continue-on-failure --ignore-glob="project_settings.py"
669        if core or application:
670            params.append('--doctest-modules')
672        if application:
673            params.append(('--ignore={project}/project_settings.py '
674                           '{project}').format(project=PROJECT))
676        if core:
677            params.append(('{core}/chart --ignore-glob={core}/chart/web '
678                           '--ignore={core}t/chart/settings.py').format(core=core_dir()))
680    if db:
681        params.append('--db {db}'.format(db=db))
683    if url:
684        pass
686    if web:
687        # test_server(c)
688        pass
690    if database:
691        # test_database(c)
692        pass
694    c.run('pytest ' + ' '.join(params), pty=True)
697    'info': 'Show location of all files and directories',
698    'build-framework': 'Build framework docker image',
699    'build-project': 'Build project docker image',
700    'save-image': 'Save image to temporary file',
701    'deploy-tst': 'Deploy image to TST environment',
702    'reload-tst': '(re)start services on TST',
703    'dockerdir-tst': 'Copy the docker directory to the TST environment'})
704def deploy(c,
705           info=False,
706           build_framework=False,
707           build_project=False,
708           save_image=False,
709           deploy_tst=False,
710           reload_tst=False,
711           dockerdir_tst=False):
712    """Package and deploy docker images."""
713    done_something = False
714    config = dotenv.dotenv_values(DOCKER_CONF_FILE)
715    image_name = config['CHART_PROJECT_IMAGE_NAME']
716    tmp_image_filename = Path('tmp/{project}.image'.format(project=PROJECT))
718    if info:
719        print('Framework dir: {core}'.format(core=core_dir()))
720        print('Docker image name: {image}'.format(image=image_name))
721        print('Temp image filename: {tmp}'.format(tmp=tmp_image_filename))
722        print('SSH connection for TST: {tst}'.format(tst=SSH_TST))
723        return
725    if build_framework:
726        with c.cd(core_dir()):
727            # Set CHART_NO_PROMPT_BUILD to build without waiting for user to press enter.
728            # Set BUILDKIT_PROGRESS to switch off the clever control codes that buildx uses
729            # to make a more entertaining build progress page normally
730            c.run('CHART_NO_PROMPT_BUILD=1 BUILDKIT_PROGRESS=plain docker/build.sh')
732        done_something = True
734    if build_project:
735        c.run('CHART_NO_PROMPT_BUILD=1 BUILDKIT_PROGRESS=plain docker/build.sh')
736        done_something = True
738    if save_image:
739        tmp_image_filename.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
740        print('Saving {image} to {filen}'.format(image=image_name, filen=tmp_image_filename))
741        c.run('docker image save {image} > {filename}'.format(
742            image=image_name, filename=tmp_image_filename))
743        done_something = True
745    if deploy_tst:
746        c.run('ssh {tst} "docker image load < {abs_image_file}"'.format(
747            tst=SSH_TST, abs_image_file=tmp_image_filename.absolute()))
748        done_something = True
750    if dockerdir_tst:
751        print('Copying docker to {tst}'.format(tst=SSH_TST))
752        import sys
753        c.run('rsync --rsh ssh --verbose --update --delete --recursive docker {tst}:'.format(
754            tst=SSH_TST))
755              # echo=True,
756              # out_stream=sys.stdout,
757              # err_stream=sys.stdout)
758        done_something = True
760    if reload_tst:
761        c.run('ssh {server} "{cmd}"'.format(server=SSH_TST, cmd=RELOAD_TST_CMD))
762        #, pty=True)
763        done_something = True
765    if not done_something:
766        raise ValueError('No actions given')