1# Configure generic CHART proxy, reading static directly and proxying dynamic requests to backend
5<VirtualHost *:${CHART_FRONTEND_PORT}>
6 LogFormat "%v:%p %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %{ms}T" chart_log_format
7 CustomLog "|/bin/rotatelogs -L ${CHART_LOG_DIR}/apache.log -c ${CHART_LOG_DIR}/apache-%Y-%m-%d.log 86400" chart_log_format
8 # Compress output from Django server as well as static text files
9 AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css text/html application/javascript
10 # Pages are served by the CHART application server by default.
11 # But we redirect certain URLs to the static file location
12 ProxyPass /${CHART_TRUNC_PREFIX}/static !
13 #ProxyPass /mtg/favicon.ico !
14 ProxyPass /${CHART_TRUNC_PREFIX}${CHART_PORT}/${CHART_TRUNC_PREFIX} connectiontimeout=5 timeout=1200 max=20 ttl=120 retry=0
16 DocumentRoot /
17 <Directory />
18 Require all denied
19 </Directory>
20 # --Auth placeholder-- No not edit this comment as the Dockerfile expands it
21 Alias /${CHART_TRUNC_PREFIX}/static /mnt/static
22 <Directory /mnt/static>
23 options indexes followsymLinks MultiViews
24 # Tell the browser to cache for 1 day
25 ExpiresActive On
26 ExpiresDefault "access plus 12 hours"
27 # Switch off etags
28 Header unset Etag
29 FileETag none
30 Require all granted
31 </Directory>
32 <Directory /mnt/static/3rdparty>
33 # Cache 3rdparty files for 7 days on the browser
34 ExpiresDefault "access plus 7 days"
35 </Directory>
36 <Directory /mnt/static/favicons>
37 # Cache favicons for 7 days because they don't change often
38 ExpiresDefault "access plus 7 days"
39 </Directory>
40 <Directory /mnt/static/homepage>
41 # Cache the homepage files for 7 days because they don't change often and
42 # are frequenclty accessed
43 ExpiresDefault "access plus 7 days"
44 </Directory>
45 # Enable /server-status page
46 <IfModule status_module>
47 <Location ${CHART_TRUNC_PREFIX}/server-status>
48 Require all granted
49 SetHandler server-status
50 </Location>
51 </IfModule>