1#!/usr/bin/env python3
   3"""Basic widgets to render graphs of single or multiple data points."""
   5import math
   6import logging
   7import warnings
   8import itertools
   9from collections import OrderedDict
  10from collections import defaultdict
  11from datetime import datetime
  12from datetime import timedelta
  14from django.template import Template
  15from django.template import Context
  16import numpy as np
  18# always import matplotlib_agg before matplotlib
  19from chart.common import matplotlib_agg  # (unused import) pylint: disable=W0611
  21from chart.common.path import Path
  22from chart.project import settings
  23from chart.common.traits import to_htmlstr
  24from chart.common.traits import name_of_thing
  25from chart.common.util import nvl_min
  26from chart.common.util import nvl_max
  27from chart.common.util import fp_eq
  28from chart.common.prettyprint import Table
  29from chart.common.prettyprint import show_timedelta
  30from chart.common.exceptions import ConfigError
  31from chart.common.texttime import texttime_to_datetime
  32from chart.plots.retrieve import retrieve_series
  33from chart.reports.widget import Widget
  34from chart.plotviewer.plot_utils import flot_palette
  35from chart.common.traits import str_to_field
  36from chart.common.traits import to_str
  37from chart.plotviewer.make_url import make_plot_url
  38from chart.plots.sampling import sampling_from_name
  39from chart.project import SID
  40from chart.plots.render import Axis
  41from chart.plots.render import Series
  42from chart.plots.render import Stats
  43from chart.plots.render import Annotation
  44from chart.plots.render import Presentation
  45from chart.reports.widget import WidgetOption
  46from chart.reports.widget import WidgetOptionChoice
  47from chart.plots.render_matplotlib import matplotlib_render
  48from chart.common.timerange import TimeRange
  49from chart.plots.sampling import Sampling
  50from chart.widgets.utils.limits import retrieve_limits, get_applicable_onboard_limits
  51from chart.plots.sampling import region_duration
  54# switch off matplotlib warnings
  55np.seterr(all='raise')    # all math errors cause exceptions
  56warnings.simplefilter('ignore', np.RankWarning)
  57warnings.simplefilter('ignore', UserWarning)
  58warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning)
  60MIN_BINS = 3
  62# redirect certain numpy warnings from stderr to standard logging
  63# module
  64class NumpyLog:
  65    """Handle Numpy log messages."""
  67    def write(self, message):
  68        """Log `message` to info stream."""
  69        logger.info(message.strip())
  72np_log = NumpyLog()
  74np.seterr(over='log')  # except floating point overflow, as this is triggered by
  75# set_major_locator()
  77# if the user has not forced a filename, and we are plotting multiple points,
  78# use this template
  79DEFAULT_FILENAME = 'FIG{number}{ext}'
  83# used to select width/height if only one given
  86# remove and replace with multiplier
  89# Maximum number of regions to show in the log file
  92# if oversampling is used (stats plot, no trim, not disabled by widget config)
  93# we extend sensing start/stop by a proportion of the normal amount, subject to a minimum
  94# expansion. This is to avoid seeing fake gaps at the edges of the graph from 'missing' stats
  95MIN_OVERSAMPLE = timedelta(hours=2)
  97logger = logging.getLogger()
 100def nan_pad(inputs, pad):
 101    """Return a copy of `input` right-padded with `pad` NaN values.
 103    In numpy-1.11 get could use the numpy.pad function to do this quickly, if not
 104    neatly. But that doesn't compile on AIX and numpy-1.9.0, the last version which
 105    works there, has a broken pad() implementation. So we have this gruesome hack.
 106    """
 107    # the relatively nice (or at least fast) way
 109    # np.pad(
 110    # o,
 111    # (0, pad),
 112    # 'constant',
 113    # constant_values=np.nan,).reshape(target_buckets, modulus), axis=1)
 115    # you may wish to look away now...
 117    # return np.concatenate((inputs, [np.nan] * pad))
 119    # update: for unknown reasons, with Python 3.6.2 and numpy-1.3.1,
 120    # the algorithm above causes matplotlib to crash *only* on CentOS 7 (SLES 13 is fine).
 121    # So, for this terrible reason we use the following completely wrong algorithm
 122    # to get something to render
 123    return np.concatenate((inputs, [inputs[-1]] * pad))
 126# threshold where we retrieve stats not ap
 127STATS_CUTOFF = timedelta(days=1)
 129# only show the Orbits top axis if more than this number of orbits
 132# not sure if used, but mark y2 series in the legend
 133Y2_LEGEND_LABEL = ' (y2)'
 136class GraphWidget(Widget):
 137    """A line or scatter plot of either timeseries data or event properties.
 138    Either all points data or orbital statistics can be shown with optional trend lines.
 139    """
 141    name = 'graph'
 143    image = 'widgets/graph.png'
 144    thumbnail = 'widgets/graph_sm.png'
 146    url = 'http://tctrac/projects/chart/wiki/GraphWidget'
 148    options = [
 149        WidgetOption(
 150            name='title',
 151            description='Force title for this graph',
 152            datatype=str,
 153            optional=True,
 154        ),
 155        WidgetOption(
 156            name='title-fontsize',
 157            description=(
 158                'Font size for title. 0 to disable. Only 0 or 10 (not used) are '
 159                'accepted'
 160            ),
 161            default=settings.GRAPH_TITLE_FONTSIZE,
 162            unit='pt',
 163        ),
 164        WidgetOption(
 165            name='filename',
 166            description='Force name of output file',
 167            datatype=str,
 168            optional=True,
 169        ),
 170        WidgetOption(name='bar-width',
 171                    description='barwidth floating value',
 172                    datatype=float,
 173                    default=Series.DEFAULT_BAR_WIDTH),
 175        WidgetOption(
 176            name='datapoint',
 177            description='Data points to be plotted',
 178            multiple=True,
 179            datatype=[
 180                WidgetOption(
 181                    name='field',
 182                    description=(
 183                        'Timeseries data point to plot. Enter just fieldname if '
 184                        'unique, otherwise table.fieldname'
 185                    ),
 186                    datatype=str,  # we parse fieldnames as strings and expand them
 187                    # later so that computed fields "<field>LND1000 + 1</field>" work
 188                    optional=True,
 189                ),
 190                WidgetOption(
 191                    name='table',
 192                    description=('Rowcount plot (stats only)'),
 193                    datatype='table',
 194                    optional=True,
 195                ),
 196                WidgetOption(
 197                    name='event',
 198                    description=(
 199                        'Plot a numeric or duration property from an ' 'event class'
 200                    ),
 201                    datatype='eventproperty',
 202                    optional=True,
 203                ),
 204                WidgetOption(
 205                    name='axis', description='Obsolete', datatype=int, optional=True
 206                ),
 207                WidgetOption(
 208                    name='y-axis',
 209                    description='Give name of y-axis to attach to',
 210                    default='left',
 211                    datatype=str,
 212                    restrict_to_choices=False,
 213                    choices=[
 214                        WidgetOptionChoice(name='left'),
 215                        WidgetOptionChoice(name='right'),
 216                    ],
 217                ),
 218                WidgetOption(
 219                    name='label',
 220                    description='Legend label',
 221                    datatype=str,
 222                    optional=True,
 223                ),
 224                WidgetOption(
 225                    name='accumulate',
 226                    description=(
 227                        'Keep a count of number of events found. Only for use with event '
 228                        'plots with no property selected'
 229                    ),
 230                    default=False,
 231                    optional=True,
 232                ),
 233                WidgetOption(
 234                    name='constraint',
 235                    description='Per-field filtering',
 236                    datatype=[
 237                        WidgetOption(
 238                            name='table',
 239                            description='Table containing the conditional clauses',
 240                            datatype='table',
 241                            optional=True,
 242                        ),
 243                        WidgetOption(
 244                            name='clause',
 245                            description=(
 246                                'Filter this data series by a condition '
 247                                '(e.g. MHS_MODE=3)'
 248                            ),
 249                            multiple=True,
 250                            datatype=str,
 251                        ),
 252                    ],
 253                    multiple=True,
 254                    optional=True,
 255                ),
 256                WidgetOption(
 257                    name='colour',
 258                    description='Line and shade colour and default marker colour',
 259                    datatype='colour',
 260                    optional=True,
 261                ),
 262                WidgetOption(name='edge-colour',
 263                             description='Edge colour if different to line edge colour',
 264                             datatype='colour',
 265                             optional=True),
 266                 WidgetOption(
 267                    name='marker',
 268                    description='Marker type for scatter plots',
 269                    datatype=str,
 270                    default='',
 271                ),
 273                 WidgetOption(
 274                    name='marker-colour',
 275                    description='Marker colour if different to line colour',
 276                    datatype='colour',
 277                    optional=True,
 278                ),
 279                WidgetOption(name='marker-size',
 280                             description='Marker size for scatter plots',
 281                             datatype=float,
 282                             default=Series.DEFAULT_MARKER_SIZE),
 283                WidgetOption(name='bar-width',
 284                             description='barwidth floating value',
 285                             datatype=float,
 286                             default=Series.DEFAULT_BAR_WIDTH),
 288                WidgetOption(name='trendline',
 289                             description='Show a trendline for this series',
 290                             default=False),
 291                 WidgetOption(
 292                    name='linestyle',
 293                    description='Line type for scatter plots',
 294                    datatype=str,
 295                    default='solid',
 296                ),
 297                WidgetOption(
 298                    name='linewidth',
 299                    description='Line width for scatter plots',
 300                    datatype=float,
 301                    default=1,
 302                ),
 303            ]),
 304        WidgetOption(name='absolute-start-time',
 305                     description='Set start time for plot to literal time or `launch`',
 306                     datatype=datetime,
 307                     optional=True),
 309        WidgetOption(name='absolute-stop-time',
 310                     description='Set stop time for plot to literal time or `now`',
 311                     datatype=str,
 312                     optional=True),
 314        WidgetOption(name='relative-start-time',
 315                     description='Obsolete',
 316                     datatype=timedelta,
 317                     optional=True),
 319        WidgetOption(name='relative-stop-time',
 320                     description='Obsolete',
 321                     datatype=timedelta,
 322                     optional=True),
 324        WidgetOption(name='auto-axis-margin',
 325                     description='Obsolete',
 326                     default=DEFAULT_AUTO_AXIS_MARGIN,
 327                     optional=True),
 329        WidgetOption(name='scid',
 330                     description=('For SCID-less reports, individual graphs can be plotted using '
 331                                  'data from selected satellites'),
 332                     datatype=str,
 333                     optional=True),
 335        WidgetOption(name='region',
 336                     description='Stats region if stats table used (ORB, 30MIN, DAY, HOUR etc.)',
 337                     datatype=str,
 338                     optional=True),
 340        WidgetOption(
 341            name='limits',
 342            description='to display red/yellow/onboard limits if configured',
 343            default='none',
 344            choices=[
 345                WidgetOptionChoice(name='none'),
 346                WidgetOptionChoice(name='ground'),
 347                WidgetOptionChoice(name='onboard'),
 348                WidgetOptionChoice(name='all'),
 349            ],
 350        ),
 351        WidgetOption(
 352            name='sampling',
 353            description='Source table class for samples',
 354            default='auto',
 355            choices=[
 356                WidgetOptionChoice(
 357                    name='auto',
 358                    description=(
 359                        'Select all-points if <{cutoff} data, '
 360                        'otherwise stats'.format(cutoff=show_timedelta(STATS_CUTOFF))
 361                    ),
 362                ),
 363                WidgetOptionChoice(name='all-points'),
 364                WidgetOptionChoice(name='stats'),
 365                WidgetOptionChoice(name='orbital-stats'),
 366                WidgetOptionChoice(name='daily-totals'),
 367            ],
 368        ),
 369        WidgetOption(name='subsampling',
 370                     description='Subsampling mode',
 371                     default='auto',
 372                     choices=[
 373                         WidgetOptionChoice(
 374                             name='auto',
 375                             description=('Subsample if more than 3 times as many points as pixels '
 376                                          '(not implemented) or if this is a coverage (ROWCOUNT) '
 377                                          'plot')),
 378                         WidgetOptionChoice(
 379                             name='none',
 380                             description='No subsampling'),
 381                         WidgetOptionChoice(name='subsampled',
 382                                            description='Subsample points to 1 row per pixel')]),
 384        WidgetOption(name='modulus',
 385                     description='Subsampling factor',
 386                     optional=True,
 387                     datatype=int),
 389        WidgetOption(name='width',
 390                     description='Width of the normal non-zoomed image',
 391                     default=680,
 392                     unit='pixels'),
 394        WidgetOption(name='height',
 395                     description=('Height of the normal image. If height is omited but width is '
 396                                  'specified, an aspect ratio of 3/2 is used'),
 397                     datatype=int,
 398                     optional=True,
 399                     unit='pixels'),
 401        WidgetOption(name='thumbnail-width',
 402                     description= ('Obsolete option. If <thumbnail-width> is specified, <width> '
 403                                   'becomes zoomed width'),
 404                     datatype=int,
 405                     optional=True,
 406                     unit='pixels1'),
 408        WidgetOption(name='thumbnail-height',
 409                     description='Obsolete',
 410                     datatype='uint',
 411                     optional=True,
 412                     unit='pixels'),
 414        WidgetOption(name='y-max',
 415                     description='Obsolete',
 416                     datatype=float,
 417                     optional=True),
 419        WidgetOption(name='y-min',
 420                     description='Obsolete',
 421                     datatype=float,
 422                     optional=True),
 424        WidgetOption(name='default-y-max',
 425                     description='Obsolete',
 426                     datatype=float,
 427                     optional=True),
 429        WidgetOption(name='default-y-min',
 430                     description='Obsolete',
 431                     datatype=float,
 432                     optional=True),
 434        WidgetOption(name='trendline',
 435                     description='Obsolete',
 436                     default=False),
 438        # WidgetOption(name='trendline-degree',
 439        # description='Obsolete',
 440        # default=1),
 441        WidgetOption(
 442            name='appearance',
 443            description='Appearance of graph',
 444            default='auto',
 445            choices=[
 446                WidgetOptionChoice(
 447                    name='auto',
 448                    description=(
 449                        'Select "min-max-avg" normally for a single '
 450                        'data point, otherwise "line". Coverage plot '
 451                        'uses "bar"'
 452                    ),
 453                ),
 454                WidgetOptionChoice(name='line', description='Line graph'),
 455                WidgetOptionChoice(name='scatter', description='Scatter plot'),
 456                WidgetOptionChoice(
 457                    name='line-dots', description='Scatter plot with connecting line'
 458                ),
 459                WidgetOptionChoice(name='bar-over', description='Overlayed Bar graph'),
 460                WidgetOptionChoice(name='bar-istar', description='ISTAR-MSG styled Bar graph'),
 461                WidgetOptionChoice(name='bar-istar-gapless',
 462                                   description='ISTAR-MSG styled Bar graph without gaps'),
 463                WidgetOptionChoice(
 464                    name='bar-side', description='Side-by_side Bar graph'
 465                ),
 466                WidgetOptionChoice(name='bar', description='Bar graph'),
 467                WidgetOptionChoice(
 468                    name='min-max-avg',
 469                    description=(
 470                        'For single data point plot only, using '
 471                        'statistics or subsampling only. Graph used '
 472                        'separate lines to show the min, avg and max '
 473                        'values.'
 474                    ),
 475                ),
 476                WidgetOptionChoice(
 477                    name='min-max',
 478                    description=(
 479                        'For single-point subsampled or stats plots '
 480                        'only, draw separate min and max lines'
 481                    ),
 482                ),
 483                WidgetOptionChoice(
 484                    name='dynrange',
 485                    description=(
 486                        'For subsampled or stats plots only, '
 487                        'show min/max ranges as filled polygons with '
 488                        'an averages line'
 489                    ),
 490                ),
 491                WidgetOptionChoice(name='pie', description='Pie graph'),
 492            ],
 493        ),
 494        WidgetOption(
 495            name='calibrated', description='Plot calibrated values', default=True
 496        ),
 497        WidgetOption(
 498            name='trim',
 499            description=(
 500                'Clip all x-axes to only include the time range containing '
 501                'non-null data'
 502            ),
 503            default=False,
 504        ),
 505        WidgetOption(
 506            name='show-orbits',
 507            description='Show orbit numbers along top axis',
 508            default='auto',
 509            choices=[
 510                WidgetOptionChoice(
 511                    name='auto', description='Show orbits if height > 300 pixels'
 512                ),
 513                WidgetOptionChoice(name='true', description='Always show orbits'),
 514                WidgetOptionChoice(name='false', description='Never show orbits'),
 515            ],
 516        ),
 517        WidgetOption(
 518            name='legend',
 519            default='auto',
 520            choices=[
 521                WidgetOptionChoice(
 522                    name='auto',
 523                    description=(
 524                        'None for min-max-avg plot, otherwise ' 'outside-right'
 525                    ),
 526                ),
 527                WidgetOptionChoice(
 528                    name='none', description='No legend'),
 529                WidgetOptionChoice(
 530                    name='embedded', description='Embedded, auto position'
 531                ),
 532                WidgetOptionChoice(
 533                    name='embedded-top-left', description='Embedded, top left corner'
 534                ),
 535                WidgetOptionChoice(
 536                    name='embedded-top-right', description='Embedded, top right corner'
 537                ),
 538                WidgetOptionChoice(
 539                    name='embedded-bottom-left',
 540                    description='Embedded, bottom left corner',
 541                ),
 542                WidgetOptionChoice(
 543                    name='embedded-bottom-right',
 544                    description='Embedded, bottom right corner',
 545                ),
 546                WidgetOptionChoice(
 547                    name='outside-right', description='To the right of the graph'
 548                ),
 549                WidgetOptionChoice(
 550                    name='below-desc',
 551                    description=(
 552                        'HTML table underneath the graph, include ' 'field descriptions'
 553                    ),
 554                ),
 555                WidgetOptionChoice(
 556                    name='below-desc-stats',
 557                    description=(
 558                        'HTML table underneath the graph, include '
 559                        'field descriptions and statistics'
 560                    ),
 561                ),
 562            ],
 563        ),
 564        # WidgetOption(name='label-fontsize',
 565        # description='Font size for axis labels',
 566        # default=8,
 567        # unit='pt'),
 568        # WidgetOption(name='thumbnail-label-fontsize',
 569        # description='Font size for axis labels in thumbnails',
 570        # default=8,
 571        # unit='pt'),
 572        WidgetOption(
 573            name='y-label', description='Obsolete', datatype=str, optional=True
 574        ),
 575        # WidgetOption(name='y2-label',
 576        # description='Specify label for right hand y-axis',
 577        # datatype=str,
 578        # optional=True),
 579        WidgetOption(
 580            name='annotation',
 581            description='Annotate the plot with additional text',
 582            multiple=True,
 583            datatype=[
 584                WidgetOption(name='text', datatype=str),
 585                WidgetOption(name='colour', datatype='colour', default='black'),
 586                WidgetOption(name='size', default=10),
 587                WidgetOption(name='x', default=0.02),
 588                WidgetOption(name='y', default=0.92),
 589            ],
 590        ),
 591        WidgetOption(
 592            name='radius', description='Obsolete', datatype=int, optional=True
 593        ),
 594        WidgetOption(
 595            name='marker-size',
 596            description='Default marker size for datapoints in a scatter plot',
 597            datatype=float,
 598            default=Series.DEFAULT_MARKER_SIZE,
 599        ),
 600        WidgetOption(
 601            name='normalise',
 602            description='Shift lines vertically so they all begin at the same level',
 603            default=False,
 604        ),
 605        WidgetOption(
 606            name='rowcount-threshold',
 607            description=(
 608                'For stats plots only, discard all points where the rowcount '
 609                'is less than THRESH (as a proportion of the nominal rowcount'
 610            ),
 611            default=0.7,
 612            metavar='THRESH',
 613            unit='proportion',
 614        ),
 615        WidgetOption(
 616            name='anomaly-response',
 617            description='Control how to handle anomalous data points',
 618            default='none',
 619            choices=[
 620                WidgetOptionChoice(name='none', description='No anomaly processing'),
 621                WidgetOptionChoice(
 622                    name='axis',
 623                    description=(
 624                        'Exclude anomalies from automatic y-axis ' 'adjustment'
 625                    ),
 626                ),
 627                WidgetOptionChoice(name='remove', description='Remove anomalies'),
 628                WidgetOptionChoice(name='remove_histogram',
 629                                   description='Remove anomalies using a histogram-based approach'),
 630            ],
 631        ),
 632        WidgetOption(
 633            name='anomaly-threshold',
 634            datatype=float,
 635            description=(
 636                'Adjustment for anomaly detection. Valid for stats or subsampled '
 637                'data only. Number of standard deviations from the mean of the '
 638                'standard deviations which is considered an anomaly'
 639            ),
 640            default=2.5,
 641        ),
 642        WidgetOption(name='anomaly-bin-ratio',
 643                     description=('Adjustment for anomaly detection for response option "remove". '
 644                                  'Mean number of data points per bin. The lower the number, '
 645                                  'the more precise the anomaly detection at the expense of '
 646                                  'computation time.'),
 647                     default=50),
 649        WidgetOption(name='anomaly-cutoff-percentage',
 650                     description=('Adjustment for anomaly detection for response option "remove". '
 651                                  'Maximum percentage of data points removed from each end of the value range. '
 652                                  'The higher the value, the more data points are removed.'),
 653                     default=2),
 654        WidgetOption(
 655            name='dynrange-alpha',
 656            description=(
 657                'With dynrange appearance, vary the transparency of the vertical '
 658                'min-max line'
 659            ),
 660            default=0.5,
 661        ),
 662        WidgetOption(
 663            name='oversampling',
 664            description=(
 665                'If <trim> is not in use, read a bit more data either side of '
 666                'nominal report duration to avoid appearance of data gaps'
 667            ),
 668            default=0.01,
 669        ),
 670        # WidgetOption(name='date-locator',
 671        # description=('Determine whether to use the matplotlib autolocator for date axis '
 672        # 'or the CHART locator'),
 673        # default='auto',
 674        # restrict_to_choices=False,
 675        # choices=[
 676        # WidgetOptionChoice(name='auto',
 677        # description='Use matplotlib for 1-month graphs only'),
 678        # WidgetOptionChoice(name='matplotlib',
 679        # description='Use matplotlib locator'),
 680        # WidgetOptionChoice(name='chart',
 681        # description='Use CHART locator')]),
 682        # WidgetOption(name='date-format',
 683        # description=('Select text formatter for dates in x-axis labels. Pass either '
 684        # '"auto" or a `strftime`-style format string (see '
 685        # 'https://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html#time.strftime for '
 686        # 'options'),
 687        # default='auto',
 688        # restrict_to_choices=False,
 689        # choices=[
 690        # WidgetOptionChoice(name='auto',
 691        # description='Use automatic formatting')]),
 692        WidgetOption(
 693            name='x-axis',
 694            description='Configure an x-axis',
 695            multiple=True,
 696            datatype=[
 697                # one anonymous axis can be given as a default (time) axes
 698                # second if present must be called 'orbit'
 699                # WidgetOption(name='id'),
 700                WidgetOption(
 701                    name='position',
 702                    description=(
 703                        'Location of axis. Can only have one bottom (time) and '
 704                        'one top (orbit) x-axis'
 705                    ),
 706                    default='bottom',
 707                    choices=[
 708                        WidgetOptionChoice(name='top'),
 709                        WidgetOptionChoice(name='bottom'),
 710                    ],
 711                ),
 712                WidgetOption(
 713                    name='locator',
 714                    description=(
 715                        'Method used to work how where to place major and '
 716                        'minor tick-marks. Pass an integer for fixed number'
 717                    ),
 718                    default='chart',
 719                    restrict_to_choices=False,
 720                    choices=[
 721                        WidgetOptionChoice(
 722                            name='chart', description='Custom CHART method'
 723                        ),
 724                        WidgetOptionChoice(
 725                            name='matplotlib', description='Matplotlib default method'
 726                        ),
 727                        WidgetOptionChoice(
 728                            name='hour', description='Ticks based on count of hours'
 729                        ),
 730                        WidgetOptionChoice(
 731                            name='day', description='Ticks based on count of hours'
 732                        ),
 733                    ],
 734                ),
 735                WidgetOption(
 736                    name='locator-modulus',
 737                    description=(
 738                        'For fixed interval locators (hour etc) specify number '
 739                        'of units between major ticks'
 740                    ),
 741                    default=1,
 742                    datatype=int,
 743                ),
 744                # WidgetOption(name='values',
 745                # description=('Purpose of axis. By default bottom is sensing time, '
 746                # 'top is orbit'),
 747                # datatype=str,
 748                # choices=[
 749                # WidgetOptionChoice(name='sensing-time'),
 750                # WidgetOptionChoice(name='orbit'),
 751                # ],),
 752                WidgetOption(name='format', datatype=str, optional=True),
 753                WidgetOption(
 754                    name='absolute-start-time',
 755                    description='Adjust graph start time if different to report start time',
 756                    datatype=datetime,
 757                    optional=True,
 758                ),
 759                WidgetOption(
 760                    name='absolute-stop-time',
 761                    description='Adjust graph stop time if different to report stop time',
 762                    datatype=str,
 763                    optional=True,
 764                ),
 765                WidgetOption(
 766                    name='relative-start-time',
 767                    description='Adjust graph start time if different to report start time',
 768                    datatype=timedelta,
 769                    optional=True,
 770                ),
 771                WidgetOption(
 772                    name='relative-stop-time',
 773                    description=(
 774                        'Set the stop time of this graph to an offset from the '
 775                        'report start time'
 776                    ),
 777                    datatype=timedelta,
 778                    optional=True,
 779                ),
 780                WidgetOption(
 781                    name='round-start-time',
 782                    description='Round down the start time to a nice value',
 783                    choices=[
 784                        WidgetOptionChoice(name='day'),
 785                        WidgetOptionChoice(name='week'),
 786                        WidgetOptionChoice(name='month'),
 787                        WidgetOptionChoice(name='year'),
 788                    ],
 789                    datatype=str,
 790                    optional=True,
 791                ),
 792                WidgetOption(
 793                    name='fontsize',
 794                    description='Font size for tick marks and label',
 795                    default=8,
 796                ),
 797                WidgetOption(
 798                    name='colour',
 799                    description='Use a named (matplotlib) colour, or #RRGGBB (hex values)',
 800                    datatype=str,
 801                    default='black',
 802                    optional=True,
 803                ),
 804                WidgetOption(
 805                    name='label',
 806                    description='Override the default axis label',
 807                    datatype=str,
 808                    optional=True,
 809                ),
 810                WidgetOption(
 811                    name='label-colour',
 812                    description='Specify label colour, if different to tick mark colour',
 813                    datatype='colour',
 814                    optional=True,
 815                ),
 816                WidgetOption(
 817                    name='label-fontsize',
 818                    description='Font size for label if different to tick mark font size',
 819                    default=8,
 820                ),
 821            ],
 822        ),
 823        WidgetOption(
 824            name='y-axis',
 825            description='Configure default or additional y-axes',
 826            multiple=True,
 827            datatype=[
 828                # one anonymous axis can be given which becomes the default
 829                # additional axes must have names
 830                # currently default must be left, additional must be right
 831                # WidgetOption(name='name',
 832                # description='Name the axis if not the default',
 833                # datatype=str,
 834                # optional=True),
 835                # WidgetOption(name='locator'),
 836                # WidgetOption(name='format'),
 837                WidgetOption(
 838                    name='min',
 839                    description='Force axis start (min) point',
 840                    datatype=float,
 841                    optional=True,
 842                ),
 843                WidgetOption(
 844                    name='default-min',
 845                    description='Suggested axis start, shifted if data needs it',
 846                    datatype=float,
 847                    optional=True,
 848                ),
 849                WidgetOption(
 850                    name='max',
 851                    description='Force axis stop (max) point',
 852                    datatype=float,
 853                    optional=True,
 854                ),
 855                WidgetOption(
 856                    name='default-max',
 857                    description='Suggested axis stop, shifted if data needs it',
 858                    datatype=float,
 859                    optional=True,
 860                ),
 861                WidgetOption(
 862                    name='margin',
 863                    description=(
 864                        'With automatic y-axis limits selection a small margin is added to '
 865                        'the computed axis limits'
 866                    ),
 867                    default=DEFAULT_AUTO_AXIS_MARGIN,
 868                ),
 869                WidgetOption(
 870                    name='fontsize',
 871                    description='Font size for tick marks and label',
 872                    default=8,
 873                ),
 874                WidgetOption(
 875                    name='colour',
 876                    description='Colour for tick marks and default label colour',
 877                    datatype=str,
 878                    optional=True,
 879                ),
 880                WidgetOption(
 881                    name='label',
 882                    description='Force axis label',
 883                    datatype=str,
 884                    optional=True,
 885                ),
 886                WidgetOption(
 887                    name='label-colour',
 888                    description='Specify label colour, if different to tick mark colour',
 889                    datatype='colour',
 890                    optional=True,
 891                ),
 892                WidgetOption(
 893                    name='label-fontsize',
 894                    description='Font size for label if different to tick mark font size',
 895                    default=8,
 896                ),
 897                WidgetOption(name='anomaly-threshold', datatype=float, optional=True),
 898                WidgetOption(
 899                    name='position',
 900                    default='left',
 901                    choices=[
 902                        WidgetOptionChoice(name='left'),
 903                        WidgetOptionChoice(name='right'),
 904                    ],
 905                ),
 906                WidgetOption(
 907                    name='minor-ticks',
 908                    optional=True,
 909                    description='Distance between minor tick marks',
 910                    datatype=float,
 911                ),
 912            ],
 913        ),
 914        WidgetOption(
 915            name='zoom',
 916            description=(
 917                'Specify appearance of enlarged image, when zoomed in the web '
 918                'interface of for PDF rendering'
 919            ),
 920            optional=True,
 921            datatype=[
 922                WidgetOption(
 923                    name='width',
 924                    description='Width of zoomed image',
 925                    optional=True,
 926                    datatype='uint',
 927                    # default=1000,
 928                    unit='pixels',
 929                ),
 930                WidgetOption(
 931                    name='height',
 932                    optional=True,
 933                    datatype='uint',
 934                    description='If omited, non-zoomed aspect ratio is used',
 935                    unit='pixels',
 936                ),
 937                WidgetOption(
 938                    name='x-axis',
 939                    optional=True,
 940                    datatype=[
 941                        WidgetOption(name='format', datatype=str, optional=True),
 942                        WidgetOption(name='locator', datatype=str, optional=True),
 943                        WidgetOption(
 944                            name='label-fontsize',
 945                            description='Font size for label if different to tick mark font size',
 946                            default=8,
 947                        ),
 948                    ],
 949                ),
 950            ],
 951        ),
 952    ]
 954    document_options = OrderedDict(
 955        [
 956            ('sid', {'type': 'sid'}),
 957            ('sensing_start', {'type': 'datetime'}),
 958            ('sensing_stop', {'type': 'datetime'}),
 959        ]
 960    )
 962    def __init__(self):
 963        super().__init__()
 964        self.title = None
 966    def __str__(self):
 967        # build a list of displayeable datapoint names
 968        prints = []
 969        for dp in self.config['datapoint']:
 970            if 'field' in dp:
 971                prints.append(dp['field'])
 973            elif 'event' in dp:
 974                prints.append(dp['event']['eventclass'].name)
 976            else:
 977                prints.append('unknown')
 979        return 'GraphWidget({data})'.format(data=', '.join(to_str(p) for p in prints))
 980        # return 'GraphWidget({data})'.format(
 981        # data=', '.join(c.get('field', c.get('event')) for c in self.config['datapoint']))
 983    def pre_html(self, document):
 984        """Compute our final title for table of contents."""
 985        config = self.config
 986        doc_config = document.config
 988        # get rid of an <title></title> if exists
 989        if 'title' in config and config.get('title', None) is None:
 990            del config['title']
 992        # has to be done here as it affects auto generated titles
 993        self.decode_datapoints(config['datapoint'])
 995        relative_start_time = config.get('relative-start-time')
 996        relative_stop_time = config.get('relative-stop-time')
 997        absolute_start_time = config.get('absolute-start-time')
 998        absolute_stop_time = config.get('absolute-stop-time')
 999        x_axis = config.get('x-axis')
1000        if x_axis is not None:
1001            if len(x_axis) != 1:
1002                logging.warning('Multiple X-axes may not be interpreted correctly')
1004            if 'relative-start-time' in x_axis[0]:
1005                relative_start_time = x_axis[0]['relative-start-time']
1007            if 'relative-stop-time' in x_axis[0]:
1008                relative_stop_time = x_axis[0]['relative-stop-time']
1010            if 'absolute-start-time' in x_axis[0]:
1011                absolute_start_time = x_axis[0]['absolute-start-time']
1013            if 'absolute-stop-time' in x_axis[0]:
1014                absolute_stop_time = x_axis[0]['absolute-stop-time']
1016        self.sensing_start, self.sensing_stop = self.get_time_range(
1017            sid=doc_config['sid'],
1018            sensing_start=doc_config['sensing_start'],
1019            sensing_stop=doc_config['sensing_stop'],
1020            absolute_start_time=absolute_start_time,
1021            absolute_stop_time=absolute_stop_time,
1022            relative_start_time=relative_start_time,
1023            relative_stop_time=relative_stop_time,
1024        )
1026        # expand <title> macros
1027        if 'title' in config:
1028            expansions = Context(
1029                {
1030                    'scid': document.config.get('sid'),
1031                    'gs': document.config.get('gs'),
1032                    'start': self.sensing_start,
1033                    'stop': self.sensing_stop,
1034                }
1035            )
1036            self.title = Template(config['title']).render(expansions)
1038        else:
1039            # generate a title if none is specified.
1040            if len(config['datapoint']) == 1:
1041                # for plots of a single parameter this is "field: description"
1042                if 'field' in config['datapoint'][0]:
1043                    if config['datapoint'][0]['field'] is not None:
1044                        self.title = '{field}: {desc}'.format(
1045                            field=config['datapoint'][0]['field'].name,
1046                            desc=to_htmlstr(
1047                                config['datapoint'][0]['field'].description
1048                            ),
1049                        )
1051                    else:
1052                        self.title = '{table} coverage'.format(
1053                            table=config['datapoint'][0]['table'].name
1054                        )
1056                else:
1057                    self.title = '{event} {prop}'.format(
1058                        event=config['datapoint'][0]['event']['eventclass'],
1059                        prop=config['datapoint'][0]['event']['property'],
1060                    )
1062            else:
1063                # otherwise we don't bother making up one for multiple datapoints
1064                self.title = 'No title set'
1066        document.figures.append(self.title)
1068    def get_time_range(
1069        self,
1070        sid,
1071        sensing_start,
1072        sensing_stop,
1073        absolute_start_time,
1074        absolute_stop_time,
1075        relative_start_time,
1076        relative_stop_time,
1077    ):
1078        """Choose the time range for this graph based on the report start and stop settings
1079        and the config settings absolute-start-time, relative-start-time and relative-stop-time.
1080        """
1082        if relative_stop_time is not None:
1083            sensing_stop = sensing_start + relative_stop_time
1085        if relative_start_time is not None:
1086            sensing_start += relative_start_time
1088        if absolute_start_time is not None:
1089            if isinstance(absolute_start_time, datetime):
1090                sensing_start = absolute_start_time
1092            else:
1093                sensing_start = texttime_to_datetime(absolute_start_time, sid=sid)
1095        if absolute_stop_time is not None:
1096            if isinstance(absolute_stop_time, datetime):
1097                sensing_stop = absolute_stop_time
1099            else:
1100                sensing_stop = texttime_to_datetime(absolute_stop_time, sid=sid)
1102            if sensing_stop < sensing_start:
1103                sensing_stop = sensing_start + timedelta(seconds=1)
1105        return sensing_start, sensing_stop
1107    def get_legend_type(self, c):
1108        """Choose the legend type for this graph."""
1109        if c['legend'] == 'auto':
1110            if len(c['datapoint']) > 1:
1111                # if we have multiple data points place the legend outside the graph, to the right
1112                legend = 'outside-right'
1113            else:
1114                # if only one point is plotted no legend is needed
1115                legend = 'none'
1117        else:
1118            # allow the user to specify legend position
1119            legend = c['legend']
1121        return legend
1123    def get_coverage(self, datapoints):
1124        """See if this is a data coverage plot.
1125        Coverage plots are selected by choosing "tablename.ROWCOUNT" as a field to plot
1126        i.e. <field>MHS_NEDT.ROWCOUNT</field>.
1127        Might change this to just <field>MHS_NEDT</field>
1128        to match point plots."""
1130        # Check if this is a rowcount (coverage) plot
1131        coverage = False
1132        non_coverage = False
1133        for d in datapoints:
1134            # try:
1135            if (
1136                'field' in d
1137                and d['field'] is not None
1138                and 'ROWCOUNT' in d['field'].name.upper()
1139            ):
1140                coverage = True
1142            else:
1143                non_coverage = True
1145        if coverage and non_coverage:
1146            raise ConfigError(
1147                'Cannot plot both ROWCOUNT and non-ROWCOUNT data in the same plot'
1148            )
1150        return coverage
1152    def gen_all_limits_series(self, sid, start, stop, limits_config, datapoints):
1153        ret_series = []
1155        if limits_config == 'none':
1156            return None
1158        all_limits = self.get_all_limits(datapoints, sid, start, stop)
1159        try:
1160            self.assert_same_limits(all_limits)
1161        except DifferentLimitsError as e:
1162            logger.error(
1163                "Omitting Limits Plots, as parameters "
1164                f"{[dp['field'].name for dp in datapoints]} have "
1165                f"different limits: {e.limits1} vs {e.limits2}"
1166            )
1167            return
1169        applicable_limits = all_limits[0]
1171        if limits_config in ('ground', 'all'):
1172            logger.debug("Limits ground")
1173            if not applicable_limits["yellow"]:
1174                logger.info(
1175                    "Plotting of Ground Limits requested but no ground yellow limits "
1176                    "available for "
1177                    f"{[dp['field'].name for dp in datapoints]}"
1178                )
1179            if not applicable_limits["red"]:
1180                logger.info(
1181                    "Plotting of Ground Limits requested but no ground red limits "
1182                    "available for "
1183                    f"{[dp['field'].name for dp in datapoints]}"
1184                )
1185            ret_series.extend(
1186                self.gen_limit_series(applicable_limits["yellow"], "#FFD300")
1187            )
1188            ret_series.extend(
1189                self.gen_limit_series(applicable_limits["red"], "#FF0000")
1190            )
1192        if limits_config in ('onboard', 'all'):
1193            logger.debug("Limits onboard")
1194            ob_limits = applicable_limits['onboard']
1195            if not ob_limits:
1196                logger.info(
1197                    "Plotting of Onboard Limits requested but no onboard limits"
1198                    "available for "
1199                    f"{[dp['field'].name for dp in datapoints]}"
1200                )
1202            plot_limits = self.gen_plottable_ob_limits(ob_limits, start, stop)
1203            ret_series.extend(
1204                self.gen_limit_series(plot_limits, "#000000", linestyle="dashdot")
1205            )
1206        return ret_series
1208    def gen_limit_series(self, limits, color, linestyle="solid"):
1209        ret = []
1210        for limval, start, stop in limits:
1211            ret.append(
1212                Series(
1213                    times=[start, stop],
1214                    values=[limval, limval],
1215                    line_colour=color,
1216                    marker_colour=color,
1217                    regions=[[0, 2]],
1218                    line_type=linestyle,
1219                    label="_nolegend_",
1220                )
1221            )
1222        return ret
1224    def get_all_limits(self, datapoints, sid, start, stop):
1225        all_limits = []
1226        for dp in datapoints:
1227            result = retrieve_limits(
1228                sid,
1229                start,
1230                stop,
1231                True,  # assuming its calibrated
1232                False,    # stats are marked as false
1233                dp["field"],
1234            )
1235            current_limits = self.extract_limits(result, start, stop)
1236            current_limits['onboard'] = get_applicable_onboard_limits(
1237                dp["field"].name, sid.name, start, stop
1238            )
1239            all_limits.append(current_limits)
1240        return all_limits
1242    def assert_same_limits(self, all_limits):
1243        limits_to_check_against = all_limits[0]
1244        for current_limits in all_limits[1:]:
1245            if current_limits != limits_to_check_against:
1246                raise DifferentLimitsError(current_limits, limits_to_check_against)
1248    def extract_limits(self, result, start, stop):
1249        if(result['limits'] is None):
1250            return {}
1252        red_limits = (result['limits'].red.low, result['limits'].red.high)
1253        yellow_limits = (result['limits'].yellow.low, result['limits'].yellow.high)
1254        return {
1255            'red': [(x, start, stop) for x in red_limits if x is not None],
1256            'yellow': [(x, start, stop) for x in yellow_limits if x is not None],
1257        }
1259    def gen_plottable_ob_limits(self, ob_limits, start, stop):
1260        if not ob_limits:
1261            return []
1262        plot_limits = []
1263        for (low1, high1, t1), (low2, high2, t2) in zip(ob_limits, ob_limits[1:]):
1264            actual_start = t1 if t1 is not None else start
1265            plot_limits.append((low1, actual_start, t2))
1266            plot_limits.append((high1, actual_start, t2))
1268        low, high, t = ob_limits[-1]
1270        actual_start = t if t is not None else start
1271        plot_limits.append((low, actual_start, stop))
1272        plot_limits.append((high, actual_start, stop))
1273        return plot_limits
1275    def choose_appearance(self, appearance, datapoints):  # , sampling, subsampling):
1276        """Find the look and feel of this graph."""
1277        if appearance == 'auto':
1278            if self.get_coverage(datapoints):
1279                # data coverage plots are always bar charts
1280                result = 'bar'
1282            elif len(datapoints) == 1:
1283                result = settings.DEFAULT_SINGLE_DATAPOINT_APPEARANCE
1285            else:
1286                result = settings.DEFAULT_MULTIPLE_DATAPOINT_APPEARANCE
1288        else:
1289            result = appearance
1291        if result in ('min-max-avg', 'min-max'):
1292            if len(datapoints) != 1:
1293                raise ConfigError(
1294                    'Cannot choose {app} plot with multiple data points (found '
1295                    '{act}'.format(app=appearance, act=len(datapoints))
1296                )
1298        logger.debug('Selected appearance of {a}'.format(a=result))
1299        return result
1301    def markup_series(self, series, datapoint, marker_size, trendline, counter):
1302        """Set the non-data metadata values for seach series"""
1304        if 'field' in datapoint:
1305            series.field = datapoint['field']
1307        if 'table' in datapoint:
1308            series.table = datapoint['table']
1310        if 'event' in datapoint:
1311            series.event = datapoint['event']
1313        series.y_axis = datapoint.get('axis', datapoint.get('y-axis', None))
1315        if 'colour' in datapoint:
1316            series.line_colour = datapoint['colour']
1317            series.marker_colour = datapoint['colour']
1319        if 'label' in datapoint:
1320            series.label = datapoint['label']
1322        if 'marker-colour' in datapoint:
1323            series.marker_colour = datapoint['marker-colour']
1325        if 'edge-colour' in datapoint:
1326            series.edge_color = datapoint['edge-colour']
1328        if series.line_colour is None:
1329            series.line_colour = flot_palette[counter % len(flot_palette)]
1331        if series.marker_colour is None:
1332            series.marker_colour = flot_palette[counter % len(flot_palette)]
1334        if 'marker-size' in datapoint:
1335            series.marker_size = datapoint['marker-size']
1337        else:
1338            series.marker_size = marker_size
1340        if 'marker' in datapoint:
1341            series.marker_type = datapoint['marker']
1342        else:
1343            series.marker_type = ''
1345        if 'linestyle' in datapoint:
1346            series.line_type = datapoint['linestyle']
1347            series.linestyle = datapoint['linestyle']
1349        if 'linewidth' in datapoint:
1350            series.line_size = datapoint['linewidth']
1352        if datapoint['trendline'] or trendline:
1353            series.trendline = True
1355        if 'bar-width' in datapoint and datapoint['bar-width'] != series.DEFAULT_BAR_WIDTH:
1356            series.bar_width = datapoint['bar-width']
1358    def subsample(self, series, modulus):  # width, force_modulus=None):
1359        """Subsample the data in `dp` (a single series) to fit `width`.
1360        We assume width is a count of pixels for the target output, and we want to make sure
1361        each subsampling bucket is less than 1 pixel wide.
1363        Args:
1364        `series`: Series object ot process
1365        `width`: Output image width in pixels
1367        Sample of tricky subsampling: L7025L, MSG1, 2002-08-01 to 2005-01-01
1368        """
1370        # input number of samples
1371        # orig_len = len(series.times)
1373        logging.debug(
1374            'Subsampling {orig} points by {mod}'.format(
1375                orig=len(series.times), mod=modulus
1376            )
1377        )
1379        if modulus == 1:
1380            return None
1382        # handle some empty table cases
1383        if series.values is not None and len(series.values) == 0:
1384            return
1386        # You probably don't want to read this algorithm and I hope it never goes wrong
1387        # If it does go wrong, an alternative to fixing this is to implement subsampling
1388        # entirely at database level usign the slower but more accurate time bucket
1389        # method instead of using modulus, which is not really what we want as all anyway
1391        # all-points data set, subsampled using the new per-region algorithm
1392        if series.values is not None:
1393            # we rebuild the regions struture giving new offsets after subsampling
1394            new_regions = []
1395            orig_times = series.times
1396            series.times = []
1397            # accumulator for current length of output arrays
1398            acc = 0
1399            for region in series.regions:
1400                # we trim the input samples down to an exact multiple of `modulus` first
1401                # (TBD this is bad because it's clipping data before gaps and at end of plot)
1402                region_len = region[1] - region[0]
1404                full_buckets = region_len // modulus
1405                target_buckets = full_buckets + 1  # !
1406                # new_region_len = target_buckets * modulus
1407                # number of rows to add to input before subsampling it
1408                pad = (target_buckets * modulus) - region_len
1410                # logging.debug('Region {region_len} target buckets {target_buckets} '
1411                # 'pad {pad}'.format(
1412                # region_len=region_len,
1413                # target_buckets=target_buckets,
1414                # pad=pad))
1416                for dst, fn in (
1417                    ('mins', np.nanmin),
1418                    ('maxs', np.nanmax),
1419                    ('avgs', np.nanmean),
1420                ):
1421                    # d = dp['values'][region[0]:region[1]][:trim_len]
1422                    # logging.debug('reshaping {d} dims {dd} to {ddd}'.format(d=d, dd=d.shape,
1423                    # ddd=(new_len,localmod)))
1424                    # nv = fn(dp['values'][region[0]:region[1]][:trim_len].reshape(
1425                    # (new_len, localmod)), axis=1)
1427                    # nv = fn(
1428                    # np.pad(
1429                    # dp['values'][region[0]:region[1]],
1430                    # (0, remainder),
1431                    # 'constant',
1432                    # constant_values=np.nan,).reshape(target_buckets, modulus), axis=1)
1434                    o = series.values[region[0] : region[1]]
1435                    # dummy = nan_pad(o, pad).reshape(target_buckets, modulus)
1436                    # nv = fn(dummy, axis=1)
1438                    nv = fn(nan_pad(o, pad).reshape(target_buckets, modulus), axis=1)
1440                    if series.has(dst):
1441                        # a = series.get(dst)
1442                        # b = np.concatenate(a, nv)
1443                        # series.set(dst, b)
1444                        series.set(dst, np.concatenate((series.get(dst), nv)))
1446                    else:
1447                        series.set(dst, nv)
1449                # there is presumably a neater way to extend a numpy array of datetimes
1450                # but I couldn't find it so...
1451                region_times = orig_times[region[0] : region[1]]
1452                pad_date = np.array((orig_times[region[1] - 1],))
1453                # y = np.pad(x, (0, pad), 'constant', constant_values=np.array((pad_date,)))
1454                new_times = region_times[::modulus]
1455                while len(new_times) < len(nv):
1456                    new_times = np.append(new_times, pad_date)
1458                series.times.extend(new_times)
1460                # continue building the new `regions` array
1461                new_acc = acc + target_buckets
1462                new_regions.append([acc, new_acc])
1463                # logging.debug('added new values {nv} ({tv}) new times {nt} ({tt}) '
1464                # 'new region {nr}'.format(
1465                # nv=len(nv), nt=len(new_times), nr=(acc, new_acc), tv=len(dp[dst]),
1466                # tt=len(dp['times'])))
1467                acc = new_acc
1469            # drop the original AP non-subsampled data
1470            series.values = None
1471            series.regions = new_regions
1473        # stats data set
1474        else:
1475            orig_regions = series.regions
1476            orig_mins = series.mins
1477            orig_maxs = series.maxs
1478            orig_avgs = series.avgs
1479            orig_times = series.times
1480            series.mins = np.array([])
1481            series.maxs = np.array([])
1482            series.avgs = np.array([])
1483            series.times = []
1484            series.regions = []
1485            acc = 0
1486            for region in orig_regions:
1487                region_len = region[1] - region[0]
1488                full_buckets = region_len // modulus
1489                target_buckets = full_buckets + 1  # !
1490                pad = (target_buckets * modulus) - region_len
1492                # logging.debug('Region {region_len} target buckets {target_buckets} '
1493                # 'pad {pad}'.format(
1494                # region_len=region_len,
1495                # target_buckets=target_buckets,
1496                # pad=pad))
1498                for src, dst, fn in (
1499                    (orig_mins, 'mins', np.nanmin),
1500                    (orig_maxs, 'maxs', np.nanmax),
1501                    (orig_avgs, 'avgs', np.nanmean),
1502                ):
1503                    orig_data = src[region[0] : region[1]]
1504                    new_data = fn(
1505                        nan_pad(orig_data, pad).reshape(target_buckets, modulus), axis=1
1506                    )
1507                    series.set(dst, np.concatenate((series.get(dst), new_data)))
1509                region_times = orig_times[region[0] : region[1]]
1510                pad_date = np.array((orig_times[region[1] - 1],))
1511                new_times = region_times[::modulus]
1512                while len(new_times) < len(new_data):
1513                    new_times = np.append(new_times, pad_date)
1515                series.times.extend(new_times)
1517                # build the new `regions` array
1518                new_acc = acc + target_buckets
1519                series.regions.append([acc, new_acc])
1520                # logging.debug('added new values {nv} ({tv}) new times {nt} ({tt}) '
1521                # 'new region {nr}'.format(
1522                # nv=len(nv), nt=len(new_times), nr=(acc, new_acc), tv=len(dp[dst]),
1523                # tt=len(dp['times'])))
1524                acc = new_acc
1526            # we trim the input samples down to an exact multiple of `modulus` first
1527            # trim_len = orig_len - orig_len % modulus
1528            # (TBD this is bad because it's clipping data before gaps and at end of plot)
1530            # output length
1531            # new_len = trim_len // modulus
1533            # logger.debug('Subsampling {orig} rows to target of {width} by selecting '
1534            # 'modulus of {mod}'.format(orig=orig_len, width=width, mod=modulus))
1536            # series.avgs = series.avgs[:trim_len].reshape((new_len, modulus)).mean(axis=1)
1538            # if series.mins is not None:
1539            # series.mins = series.mins[:trim_len].reshape((new_len, modulus)).min(axis=1)
1540            # series.maxs = series.maxs[:trim_len].reshape((new_len, modulus)).max(axis=1)
1542            # reduce the times (suspect this breaks with <1week plots?)
1543            # series.times = series.times[::modulus][0:new_len]
1545            # this block needs rerwriting to handle regions properly. Here we recompute
1546            # the intra-gap regions according to the new modulus but it's basically
1547            # a wing and a prayer
1548            # series.regions = [[r[0] // modulus, r[1] // modulus] for r in series.regions]
1550        # the gap threshold increases
1551        # if series.gap_threshold is not None:
1552        # series.gap_threshold *= modulus
1554        # logger.debug('subsample final len {cc}'.format(cc=len(dp['times'])))
1555        # logger.info('Resample modulus {mod} reduced {orig} to {new} rows in {cc} regions'.format(
1556        # mod=modulus, orig=orig_len, new=len(series.times), cc=len(series.regions)))
1558        return modulus
1560    def get_filename(self, filename, datapoint, document):
1561        """Return a filename for the primary output of this plot.
1562        If the user supplied one, use that.
1563        Otherwise for a single parameter plot use the parameter name,
1564        with duplicate avoidance.
1566        Args:
1567        `filename` (Path): Base file name.
1568        `datapoint` (dict): Information about the data to be plotted.
1569        `document` (Document): document object.
1570        """
1572        if filename is not None:
1573            return filename
1575        if len(datapoint) == 1:
1576            # this is a plot of a single datapoint
1577            if 'field' in datapoint[0]:
1578                if datapoint[0]['field'] is None:
1579                    result = '{table}{ext}'.format(
1580                        table=datapoint[0]['table'].name, ext=Presentation.DEFAULT_EXT
1581                    )
1583                else:
1584                    # single datapoint is time series
1585                    result = '{field}{ext}'.format(
1586                        field=datapoint[0]['field'].name, ext=Presentation.DEFAULT_EXT
1587                    )
1589            else:
1590                # single datapoint is an event property
1591                if datapoint[0]['event']['property'] is not None:
1592                    result = '{prop}{ext}'.format(
1593                        prop=datapoint[0]['event']['property']['name'],
1594                        ext=Presentation.DEFAULT_EXT,
1595                    )
1597                else:
1598                    result = '{evt}{ext}'.format(
1599                        evt=datapoint[0]['event']['eventclass'].name,
1600                        ext=Presentation.DEFAULT_EXT,
1601                    )
1603        else:
1604            result = DEFAULT_FILENAME.format(
1605                number=document.figure_count + 1, ext=Presentation.DEFAULT_EXT
1606            )
1608        # convert it to a report specific filename
1609        filename = document.theme.mod_filename(document, result)
1611        # check for duplicates
1612        # tidy this up - str<>Path has really messed up this alg
1613        # because "a in b" failed if a is a str and b a list of Path
1614        a = [str(a) for a in document.aux_files]
1615        if str(filename) in a:
1616            suffix = 1
1617            filename_without_ext = (
1618                filename.stem
1619            )  # remove extension to the complete filename
1621            while (
1622                str(
1623                    '{filename}_{suffix}{ext}'.format(
1624                        filename=filename_without_ext,
1625                        suffix=suffix,
1626                        ext=Presentation.DEFAULT_EXT,
1627                    )
1628                )
1629                in a
1630            ):
1631                suffix += 1
1633            filename = Path(
1634                '{filename}_{suffix}{ext}'.format(
1635                    filename=filename_without_ext,
1636                    suffix=suffix,
1637                    ext=Presentation.DEFAULT_EXT,
1638                )
1639            )
1641        return filename
1643    def choose_sampling(
1644        self,
1645        appearance,
1646        sid,
1647        sensing_start,
1648        sensing_stop,
1649        datapoint,
1650        requested_sampling,
1651        requested_subsampling,
1652        requested_region,
1653        # requested_modulus,
1654        width,
1655    ):
1656        """Decide whether to do an `all-points` or `stats` plot.
1657        If requested sampling is `auto`, return `all-points` if plot is short enough,
1658        otherwise `stats`.
1660        Args:
1661        sid (SID): Source ID
1662        sensing_start (datetime):
1663        sensing_stop (datetime):
1664        datapoint (dict): configuration from widget XML.
1665            Pre-decoded so 'table' is a TableInfo if TS read, 'field' is a fieldinfo
1666            if non-rowcount plot, 'event' is EventInfo if events. 'mod' set to a string
1667            if modification requested.
1668        requested_sampling (str): User preference
1669        requested_subsampling (str): User preference
1670        requested_region (str): Allow user to forse stats region
1671        request_modulus (None or int):
1672        width (int): Width of zoomed graph
1674        Returns:
1675        sampling (Sampling)
1676        modulus (int)
1677        region (str or None)
1678        """
1679        if 'event' in datapoint:
1680            return Sampling.FIT
1682        Statistics = object()
1684        # Basic user preference
1685        if requested_sampling == 'auto':
1686            # we could do a ts.count() here instead
1687            if (sensing_stop - sensing_start) < STATS_CUTOFF:
1688                sampling = Sampling.FIT
1690            else:
1691                sampling = Statistics
1693        elif requested_sampling == 'orbital-stats' or requested_sampling == 'stats':
1694            sampling = Statistics
1696        elif requested_sampling == 'all-points' or requested_sampling == 'daily-totals':
1697            if requested_sampling == 'auto' or requested_subsampling == 'subsampled':
1698                sampling = Sampling.FIT
1700            else:
1701                sampling = Sampling.ALL_POINTS
1703        else:
1704            raise ValueError('unknown sampling')
1706        # switch off stats for sources that don't have them
1707        if sampling is Statistics:
1708            if 'event' in datapoint:
1709                sampling = Sampling.FIT
1711            elif not datapoint['table'].has_stats:
1712                sampling = Sampling.FIT
1714        # switch off AP subsampling if the user doesn't want it
1715        if sampling is Sampling.FIT and requested_subsampling == 'none':
1716            sampling = Sampling.ALL_POINTS
1718        # no subsampling for scatter plots unless the user really wants it
1719        if appearance == 'scatter' and requested_subsampling == 'auto':
1720            sampling = Sampling.ALL_POINTS
1722        # Now see about subsamping modulus factor
1723        # if sampling is Sampling.FIT or Statistics:
1724        # or not
1725        # modulus = True
1726        # else:
1727        # modulus = None
1729        # Pick the region if we're using stats
1730        if sampling is Statistics:
1731            if requested_region is not None:
1732                sampling = sampling_from_name(requested_region)
1734            else:
1735                # plot duration
1736                plot_seconds = (sensing_stop - sensing_start).total_seconds()
1738                # determine the best sampling rate for graph plot
1739                for sampling in reversed(sid.auto_sampling_options()):
1740                    region_seconds = region_duration(sampling, sid=sid).total_seconds()
1741                    regions_per_series = plot_seconds // region_seconds
1742                    if regions_per_series > width:
1743                        break
1745        logger.debug(
1746            'Sampling of {sampling} (stats {stats})'.format(
1747                sampling=sampling.name, stats=sampling is Statistics
1748            )
1749        )
1751        return sampling
1753    def remove_nonfinite(self, series):
1754        """Locate non finite (NaN or Inf) values in 'values', 'mins' or 'maxs' and remove those
1755        entries from all arrays."""
1757        if series.values is not None:
1758            # this looks like a bug in numpy but np.isfinite doesn't catch all the NaNs
1759            # in one dataset (EPS field UZNBRDEB for 2017-08) so we do it with another method
1760            # that is slower but for some reason more reliable
1761            # keep = np.isfinite(series.values)
1762            keep = [math.isfinite(v) for v in series.values]
1764        else:
1765            # keep = np.logical_or(np.isfinite(series.mins), np.isfinite(series.maxs))
1766            # the following algorithm is appallingly inefficient and messy but appears to be needed
1767            # on the current system (python-3.6.2, numpy-1.13.1, centos-7) because every other
1768            # method of detecting NaN values fails and never detects them:
1769            keep = []
1770            inf_nan = ('inf', 'nan')
1771            for i in range(len(series.times)):
1772                keep.append(
1773                    str(series.maxs[i]) not in inf_nan
1774                    and str(series.mins[i]) not in inf_nan
1775                )
1777        for s in ('mins', 'avgs', 'maxs', 'orbits', 'times', 'rowcounts', 'values'):
1778            if getattr(series, s, None) is not None:
1779                setattr(series, s, np.compress(keep, getattr(series, s)))
1781        if len(keep) != len(series.times):
1782            logging.info(
1783                'Finite filter reduced {old} points to {new}'.format(
1784                    old=len(keep), new=len(series.times)
1785                )
1786            )
1788    def remove_anomalies(self, series, anomaly_threshold):
1789        """Strip out values that look like anomalies.
1791        Detection of based on values more than `anomaly_threshold` standard deviations away
1792        from the mean.
1793        Only works for stats or subsampled data."""
1795        logging.debug(
1796            'Removing anomalies with threshold {thresh}'.format(
1797                thresh=anomaly_threshold
1798            )
1799        )
1801        if series.mins is not None:
1802            if len(series.mins) == 0:
1803                return
1805            # this means mins/avgs/maxs are all present. Could be AP subs or stats data
1806            # find the min/std of mins
1807            # min_std = np.nanstd(dp['mins'])
1808            # min_avg = np.nanmean(dp['mins'])
1809            min_std = np.std(series.mins)
1810            min_avg = np.mean(series.mins)
1812            # find the max/std of maxs
1813            # max_std = np.nanstd(dp['maxs'])
1814            # max_avg = np.nanmean(dp['maxs'])
1815            max_std = np.std(series.maxs)
1816            max_avg = np.mean(series.maxs)
1818            # build an array of bools where a True means keep that index, False means strip it
1819            cond = (
1820                # (np.isfinite(dp['maxs'])) &
1821                # (np.isfinite(dp['mins'])) &
1822                (series.maxs < (max_avg + anomaly_threshold * max_std))
1823                & (series.maxs > (max_avg - anomaly_threshold * max_std))
1824                & (series.mins < (min_avg + anomaly_threshold * min_std))
1825                & (series.mins > (min_avg - anomaly_threshold * min_std))
1826            )
1828            # apply `cond` to all arrays in the datapoint
1829            precount = len(series.mins)
1830            for s in ('mins', 'avgs', 'maxs', 'orbits', 'times', 'rowcounts', 'values'):
1831                if series.has(s):
1832                    series.set(s, np.compress(cond, series.get(s)))
1834            logging.info(
1835                'Anomaly removal reduced {pre} points to {post}'.format(
1836                    pre=precount, post=len(series.mins)
1837                )
1838            )
1840            def reduce_regions(index):
1841                """Each time we remove an anomalous data point, shift all the regions.
1843                Moving values down by one."""
1844                for r in series.regions:
1845                    if r[0] > index:
1846                        r[0] -= 1
1848                    if r[1] > index:
1849                        r[1] -= 1
1851            try:
1852                if self.config['anomaly-response'] == 'remove_histogram':
1853                    cond = self.find_spikes_histogram(series)
1854                else:
1855                    cond = self.find_spikes(series)
1857                # apply `cond` to all arrays in the datapoint
1858                precount = len(series.mins)
1859                for s in ('mins', 'avgs', 'maxs', 'orbits', 'times', 'rowcounts', 'values'):
1860                    if series.has(s):
1861                        series.set(s, np.compress(cond, series.get(s)))
1863                logging.info('Anomaly removal reduced {pre} points to {post}'.format(
1864                    pre=precount, post=len(series.mins)))
1866                # reset the regions
1867                i = 0
1868                for cc, val in enumerate(cond):
1869                    if not val:
1870                        reduce_regions(cc - i)
1871                        i += 1
1873            except ValueError as err:
1874                logging.warning(err)
1876        elif series.avgs is not None:
1877            # actually I'm not sure this happens
1878            logging.info('Remove anomalies not implemented for avg only plots')
1879            return
1881        elif series.values is not None:
1882            logging.info('Remove anomalies not implemented for AP non-subsampled data')
1883            return
1885    def find_spikes(self, series):
1886        """ Finds spikes in series using a avg/std-based approach. """
1887        anomaly_threshold = self.config['anomaly-threshold']
1889        # this means mins/avgs/maxs are all present. Could be AP subs or stats data
1890        # find the min/std of mins
1891        min_std = np.std(series.mins)
1892        min_avg = np.mean(series.mins)
1894        # find the max/std of maxs
1895        max_std = np.std(series.maxs)
1896        max_avg = np.mean(series.maxs)
1898        # build an array of bools where a True means keep that index, False means strip it
1899        return (
1900            (series.maxs < (max_avg + anomaly_threshold * max_std)) &
1901            (series.maxs > (max_avg - anomaly_threshold * max_std)) &
1902            (series.mins < (min_avg + anomaly_threshold * min_std)) &
1903            (series.mins > (min_avg - anomaly_threshold * min_std)))
1905    def find_spikes_histogram(self, series):
1906        """ Finds spikes in series using a histogram-based approach. """
1907        bin_ratio = self.config['anomaly-bin-ratio']
1908        cutoff_percentage = self.config['anomaly-cutoff-percentage']
1910        logger.info(f'Finding spikes using histogram-based approach '
1911                    f'with bin-ratio = {bin_ratio} and cutoff-percentage = {cutoff_percentage}')
1913        max_bin_ratio = len(series.times) // MIN_BINS
1914        if not (1 < bin_ratio < max_bin_ratio):
1915            raise ValueError('The bin ratio is not within the valid value range '
1916                            f'between 1 and {max_bin_ratio}')
1918        if not (0 < cutoff_percentage < 50):
1919            raise ValueError('The cutoff percentage is not within the valid value range '
1920                            'between 0 and 50 percent')
1922        bins = len(series.times) // bin_ratio
1923        max_dp_remove = int(len(series.times) * cutoff_percentage / 100)
1925        if bins < MIN_BINS or max_dp_remove < 1:
1926            raise ValueError('Cannot remove anomalies with current settings '
1927                            f'({bins} bins, max points to remove: {2 * max_dp_remove})')
1929        logging.info(f'Removing up to {2 * max_dp_remove} anomalous points using {bins} histogram bins')
1931        limit_low, limit_high = self.calculate_limits(series, bins, max_dp_remove)
1932        logging.info(f'Limits used for spike removal: low = {limit_low}, high = {limit_high}')
1934        return ((series.mins >= limit_low) &
1935                (series.maxs <= limit_high))
1937    def calculate_limits(self, series, bins, max_dp_remove):
1938        """ Creates a histogram from mins / maxs and finds the lower / upper limit
1939        that separates data from potential outliers. """
1940        histogram_min = np.histogram(series.mins, bins=bins)
1941        histogram_max = np.histogram(series.maxs, bins=bins)
1942        limit_low = self.find_lower_limit(histogram_min, max_dp_remove)
1943        limit_high = self.find_upper_limit(histogram_max, max_dp_remove)
1944        return limit_low, limit_high
1946    def find_lower_limit(self, histogram, max_dp_remove):
1947        """ Finds the value that separates data from potential outliers in the lower value range. """
1948        bins, thresholds = histogram
1949        dp_removed = 0
1950        for low_id, bin_content in enumerate(bins):
1951            dp_removed += bin_content
1952            if dp_removed > max_dp_remove:
1953                break
1954        return thresholds[low_id]
1956    def find_upper_limit(self, histogram, max_dp_remove):
1957        """ Finds the value that separates data from potential outliers in the upper value range. """
1958        bins, thresholds = histogram
1959        dp_removed = 0
1960        for high_id in reversed(range(len(bins))):
1961            dp_removed += bins[high_id]
1962            if dp_removed > max_dp_remove:
1963                high_id += 1
1964                break
1965        return thresholds[high_id]
1967    def find_series_range(self, series, anomaly_threshold):
1968        """Find the min and max values in a series."""
1970        # subsampled or stats data
1971        if series.mins is not None:
1972            # anomaly clip algorithm
1973            if anomaly_threshold is not None:
1974                # logging.debug('find y axis mins anom')
1975                # we disregard any points more than anomaly_threshold
1976                # standard deviations from mean
1977                min_std = np.std(series.mins)
1978                min_avg = np.mean(series.mins)
1979                max_std = np.std(series.maxs)
1980                max_avg = np.mean(series.maxs)
1982                if not np.isnan(min_std):  # no need to test all 4
1983                    # bool array identifying buckets inside and outside the thresholds
1984                    # True means keep that index, False means strip it
1985                    cond = (
1986                        (series.maxs < (max_avg + anomaly_threshold * max_std))
1987                        & (series.maxs > (max_avg - anomaly_threshold * max_std))
1988                        & (series.mins < (min_avg + anomaly_threshold * min_std))
1989                        & (series.mins > (min_avg - anomaly_threshold * min_std))
1990                    )
1992                    clip_mins = np.compress(cond, series.mins)
1993                    if len(clip_mins) > 0:
1994                        start = np.nanmin(clip_mins)
1996                    else:
1997                        # all points failed the anomaly test. This can happen if they're
1998                        # all the same
1999                        start = None
2001                    clip_maxs = np.compress(cond, series.maxs)
2002                    if len(clip_maxs) > 0:
2003                        stop = np.nanmax(clip_maxs)
2005                    else:
2006                        stop = None
2008                else:
2009                    start = None
2010                    stop = None
2012                # just some info
2013                unclipped_limits = (np.nanmin(series.mins), np.nanmax(series.maxs))
2014                logging.info(
2015                    'Anomaly limit processing gives limits of {c1}-{c2} instead of '
2016                    '{unclipped}'.format(c1=start, c2=stop, unclipped=unclipped_limits)
2017                )
2019            else:
2020                # simple clip algorithm
2021                start = np.nanmin(series.mins)
2022                stop = np.nanmax(series.maxs)
2023                logging.debug(
2024                    'Range of {f} is {mn} to {mx}'.format(
2025                        f=name_of_thing(series.field), mn=start, mx=stop
2026                    )
2027                )
2029        elif series.avgs is not None:
2030            # this can happen in subsampled line plots
2032            # Otherwise it's a stats plot so use that
2033            # Note, we should actually just use 'avgs' here if only
2034            # averages are to be plotted.
2036            start = np.nanmin(series.avgs)
2037            stop = np.nanmax(series.avgs)
2039        else:
2040            if anomaly_threshold is not None:
2041                avg = np.nanmean(series.values)
2042                std = np.nanstd(series.values)
2044                # np.isfinite also works
2045                v = series.values[np.logical_not(np.isnan(series.values))]
2047                mn = avg - anomaly_threshold * std
2048                mx = avg + anomaly_threshold * std
2049                logging.info(
2050                    'Avg {a} std {s} min {mn} max {mx}'.format(
2051                        a=avg, s=std, mn=mn, mx=mx
2052                    )
2053                )
2055                cond = (v < mx) & (v > mn)
2057                start = np.nanmin(np.compress(cond, v))
2058                stop = np.nanmax(np.compress(cond, v))
2060                # just for info
2061                unclipped_limits = (np.nanmin(series.values), np.nanmax(series.values))
2063                logging.info(
2064                    'Anomaly limit processing gives limits of {clipped} instead of '
2065                    '{unclipped}'.format(
2066                        clipped=(start, stop), unclipped=unclipped_limits
2067                    )
2068                )
2070            else:
2071                start = np.nanmin(series.values)
2072                stop = np.nanmax(series.values)
2074        return start, stop
2076    def find_y_axis_limits(self, y_axis, all_series, config):
2077        """Compute the actual min and max for `y-axis`, writing to the `start` and `stop` members.
2079        `config` is the dict for this axis if explicit.
2081        """
2082        # logging.debug('Setting y axis limits for {y}'.format(y=y_axis))
2084        # default (extendable) min start value
2085        start = config.get('default-min')
2086        # default (extendable) max stop value
2087        stop = config.get('default-max')
2088        # we may be configured to ignore anomalous values when computing axis limits
2089        anomaly_threshold = config.get('anomaly-threshold')
2090        # add a bit on so the data doesn't touch the stop or bottom of plot
2091        auto_axis_margin = config.get('margin', DEFAULT_AUTO_AXIS_MARGIN)
2093        logging.debug(
2094            'Limits for {axis} default {strt} stop {stop} anomaly {thresh} '
2095            'margin {margin}'.format(
2096                axis=y_axis.position.name,
2097                strt=start,
2098                stop=stop,
2099                thresh=anomaly_threshold,
2100                margin=auto_axis_margin,
2101            )
2102        )
2104        # first pass: make sure we have sufficient entries in the y_limits array
2105        # (currently the rendering code will only handle a max of 2 entries)
2106        for series in all_series:
2107            if series.y_axis is not y_axis:
2108                continue
2110            if len(series.times) == 0:
2111                continue
2113            series_range = self.find_series_range(series, anomaly_threshold)
2114            start = nvl_min(start, series_range[0])
2115            stop = nvl_max(stop, series_range[1])
2117        # we now have start, stop based on the data
2119        # allow user to force (series.start/stop already set earlier)
2120        if y_axis.start is not None:
2121            start = y_axis.start
2123        if y_axis.stop is not None:
2124            stop = y_axis.stop
2126        logging.debug('found start {strt} stop {stop}'.format(strt=start, stop=stop))
2128        # handle empty plots
2129        if start is None or stop is None:
2130            start = 0
2131            stop = 0
2133        # handle plots where all data has the same value
2134        elif start == stop:
2135            start -= 0.5
2136            stop += 0.5
2138        # just move the axis limits out by 5%
2139        elif stop != float('inf'):
2140            # !!! np.isinfinite doesn't work here!!!
2141            # charteps report -t test_scaomac1 -s m01 --start 2015-05-01 --stop 2015-06-01
2142            # --db argus-val-enduser -o ~/tmp/report/aocs
2143            # fails if we use np.isinfinite because it is a special type of infinity that
2144            # numpy doesn't recognise (?!)
2145            av = (start + stop) / 2
2146            dx = stop - av
2147            mdx = dx * (1 + auto_axis_margin)
2148            start = av - mdx
2149            stop = av + mdx
2151        y_axis.start = start
2152        y_axis.stop = stop
2153        logging.debug(
2154            'axis margin {marg} gives start {strt} stop {stop}'.format(
2155                marg=auto_axis_margin, strt=y_axis.start, stop=y_axis.stop
2156            )
2157        )
2159    def normalise(self, all_series):
2160        """Align all datapoints so their first value is zero by adding or subtracting
2161        a fixed value to every point in each series.
2162        """
2164        for series in all_series:
2165            if series.values is not None:
2166                attrs = ('values',)
2168            else:
2169                # Make sure we fix the mins and maxs (even if only avgs might be plotted)
2170                # so the axis limits get computed properly.
2171                attrs = ('avgs', 'mins', 'maxs')
2173            if len(series.get(attrs[0])) == 0:
2174                continue
2176            for attr in attrs:
2177                # logger.debug('Normalising by {factor}'.format(factor=dp[key][0]))
2178                values = series.get(attr)
2179                values -= series.get(attr)[0]
2181    def assign_y_axis_labels(self, y_axis, all_series):
2182        """Work out the y-axis labels.
2183        We start by using the field units as labels, if possible.
2184        If it has no unit use the field name.
2185        After processing all datapoints, if we find one axis would need 2 different
2186        labels (mixed units for example) we deactivate the label as it would be confusing.
2187        If the datapoint has but <axis> and <label> that is used instead.
2188        Otherwise look for widget ylabels.
2190        This should be replaced by a better system using a proper axis
2191        configuration in the report template.
2193        Must be called after referencing y-axis objects.
2194        """
2195        if y_axis.label is not None:
2196            return
2198        # find all units used to plot this axis
2199        units = set()
2200        for series in all_series:
2201            if series.y_axis != y_axis:
2202                continue
2204            if series.field is not None:
2205                if not series.calibrated:
2206                    units.add(series.field.name)
2207                    continue
2209                # if series['field'] is None:
2210                # rowcounts
2211                # units.add('Count')
2213                if series.field.unit is not None:
2214                    units.add(series.field.unit)
2216                else:
2217                    units.add(series.field.name)
2219            elif series.event is not None:
2220                if series.event['property'] is not None:
2221                    if 'unit' in series.event['property']:
2222                        units.add(series.event['property']['unit'])
2224                    elif series.event['property']['type'] == 'duration':
2225                        units.add('s')
2227                else:
2228                    units.add('Event')
2230        y_axis.label = ', '.join(units)
2232    def choose_show_orbits(self, show_orbits_request, sid, height):
2233        """Decide if we will show orbit numbers along the top of the output."""
2235        if not hasattr(sid, 'orbit') or sid.orbit is None:
2236            return False
2238        # Choose whether to show orbits along top axis if the user did not force choice
2239        if show_orbits_request == 'auto':
2240            # if the user left <show-orbits> at the default setting of 'auto' then
2241            # we decide whether to show orbits based on the duration of this report
2242            if height > SHOW_ORBITS_THRESHOLD:
2243                # It is a long report so show orbits
2244                show_orbits = True
2246            else:
2247                # It is a short term report so don't show orbits
2248                show_orbits = False
2250        else:
2251            show_orbits = show_orbits_request == 'true'
2253        return show_orbits
2255    def decode_datapoints(self, datapoints):
2256        """Preprocessing of datapoint field and event config items
2258        Examine all field and event options.
2259        Convert the strings to FieldInfo and EventClass objects.
2260        Fill `modifier`s.
2261        We cannot set the datatype of our field options to Field since users can enter
2262        formulae e.g. "<fieldname>NEDT_H2 * 3</fieldname>"."""
2264        for dp in datapoints:
2265            # if dp['field'] contains only a field name, we replace the original string
2266            # with a FieldInfo object.
2267            # If it is a computed field we set:
2268            #  dp['mod'] :: The text as entered by the user
2269            #  dp['field'] :: The FieldInfo
2270            #  dp['fieldname'] :: The field name as a string including tablename
2272            if 'field' in dp:  # or 'event' in dp
2273                fieldname = ''
2274                # We extract the field name from the complete calculation
2275                reading = False
2276                for c in dp['field']:
2277                    if not reading and (
2278                        (c >= 'a' and c <= 'z') or (c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z')
2279                    ):
2280                        # Look for the start of the field name text
2281                        reading = True
2283                    if reading:
2284                        if c in (' ', '+', '-', '*', '/', '^'):
2285                            # Stop scanning if we hit something that cannot be a field name
2286                            break
2288                        else:
2289                            fieldname += c
2291                if fieldname != dp['field']:
2292                    # we have a computed series
2293                    dp['fieldname'] = fieldname
2294                    dp['mod'] = dp['field']
2295                    logger.debug(
2296                        'Detected field name {fieldname} mod {mod}'.format(
2297                            fieldname=fieldname, mod=dp['field']
2298                        )
2299                    )
2301                # try:
2302                dp['field'] = str_to_field(fieldname)
2303                dp['table'] = dp['field'].table
2305    def find_regions(self, times, threshold, trim=0):
2306        """Examine list of `times` and look for gaps greater than `threshold`.
2308        Yield a list of non-gap ranges.
2309        """
2310        # logger.debug('gaps threshold {t}'.format(t=threshold))
2311        # if x-axis is not time, do not look for gaps
2312        if len(times) == 0 or not isinstance(times[0], datetime):
2313            return
2315        if threshold is None:
2316            # disable gap check
2317            yield [0, len(times) - trim]
2318            return
2320        logger.info(
2321            'Computing regions with gap threshold {thresh} trim {trim}'.format(
2322                thresh=threshold, trim=trim
2323            )
2324        )
2325        prev_t = None
2326        start = 0
2327        region_count = 0
2328        for cc, t in enumerate(times):
2329            # logging.debug('{cc} {time} {delta}'.format(cc=cc, time=t, delta=not prev_t or (t-prev_t)))
2330            if prev_t is not None and (t - prev_t) > threshold:
2331                region_start = start
2332                region_stop = cc - 1
2333                record_stop = cc
2334                if region_count < MAX_SHOW_REGIONS:
2335                    logger.info(
2336                        'Region ({cc1}-{cc2}) {strt} to {stop} record {record} jump {jump}'.format(
2337                            cc1=region_start,
2338                            cc2=region_stop,
2339                            strt=times[region_start],
2340                            stop=times[region_stop],
2341                            record=(region_start, record_stop),
2342                            jump=t,
2343                        )
2344                    )
2346                elif region_count == MAX_SHOW_REGIONS:
2347                    logger.info('Suppressing additional regions')
2349                yield [region_start, record_stop]
2350                region_count += 1
2351                start = cc
2353            prev_t = t
2355        if prev_t is not None:
2356            logger.debug(
2357                'Final region ({cc1}-{cc2}) {strt} to {stop}'.format(
2358                    cc1=start, cc2=cc + 1, strt=times[start], stop=times[cc]
2359                )
2360            )
2361            yield [start, cc + 1 - trim]
2362            region_count += 1
2364        logger.info(
2365            'Gap scan identified {rc} regions across {cc} times'.format(
2366                rc=region_count, cc=cc
2367            )
2368        )
2370    def apply_mods(self, series, datapoint):
2371        """If any fields use computed data series, calculate the final values now."""
2373        if datapoint.get('mod') is not None:
2374            # Note, this replacement may not be needed
2375            command = datapoint['mod'].replace(datapoint['field'].name, 'x')
2377            # If the user specifies a modification of a fully qualified field name, strip out the
2378            # table part now
2379            if datapoint['table'].name in datapoint['mod']:
2380                command = command.replace('{}.'.format(datapoint['table'].name), '')
2382            if series.values is not None:
2383                # use the sandboxed version of `eval` to block user code from access
2384                # to anything except timeseries data points
2385                series.values = eval(
2386                    command, {'__builtins__': None}, {'x': series.values}
2387                )
2388            else:
2389                series.avgs = eval(command, {'__builtins__': None}, {'x': series.avgs})
2390                # ? why can we have avgs but not mins or maxs?
2391                if series.mins is not None:
2392                    series.mins = eval(
2393                        command, {'__builtins__': None}, {'x': series.mins}
2394                    )
2396                if series.maxs is not None:
2397                    series.maxs = eval(
2398                        command, {'__builtins__': None}, {'x': series.maxs}
2399                    )
2401    def fix_axes_references(self, all_series, x_axes, y_axes):
2402        """Convert each series `x_axis` and `y_axis` attributes to pointers to Axis
2403        objects."""
2405        for series in all_series:
2406            if (
2407                series.y_axis is None
2408                or series.y_axis == 'left'
2409                or series.y_axis == 1
2410                or series.y_axis is Axis.Position.LEFT
2411            ):
2412                series.y_axis = y_axes[0]
2414            else:
2415                series.y_axis = y_axes[1]
2417            series.x_axis = x_axes[0]
2419    def post_retrieve(self, all_series):
2420        """Derived clases like HIRSNedn may do something."""
2421        pass
2423    def oversample(self, sensing_start, sensing_stop, oversampling):
2424        if oversampling is not None and not fp_eq(oversampling):
2425            # timedelta doesn't allow multiplications
2426            delta = (sensing_stop - sensing_start).total_seconds()
2427            extra_time = max(MIN_OVERSAMPLE, timedelta(seconds=delta * oversampling))
2428            # logger.debug('oversampling {o} delta {d} extra_time {e}'.format(
2429            # o=oversampling, d=delta, e=extra_time))
2430            sensing_start -= extra_time
2431            sensing_stop += extra_time
2432            # logging.info('Oversampling by {extra} to {strt} - {stop}'.format(
2433            # extra=extra_time, strt=sensing_start, stop=sensing_stop))
2435        return sensing_start, sensing_stop
2437    def html(self, document):
2438        """Render a graph and output document HTML."""
2439        config = self.config
2440        dc = document.config
2442        # we will retrieve data from the report sid, unless this widget
2443        # has a <scid> (scidfree) parameter which overrides the report data source
2444        if 'scid' in config:
2445            sid = SID(config['scid'])  # scidfree
2447        else:
2448            sid = dc['sid']
2450        sensing_start = self.sensing_start
2451        sensing_stop = self.sensing_stop
2453        if sensing_start > sensing_stop:
2454            sensing_start = sensing_stop
2455            logging.info(
2456                'Adjusting sensing start time to {t} to avoid reversal'.format(
2457                    t=sensing_start
2458                )
2459            )
2461        # Choose a legend type
2462        legend = self.get_legend_type(config)
2464        # Determine the look and feel of this graph
2465        appearance = self.choose_appearance(config['appearance'], config['datapoint'])
2467        # determine normal dimensions
2468        width = config['width']
2469        if 'height' in config:
2470            height = config['height']
2472        else:
2473            height = int(width // DEFAULT_ASPECT_RATIO)
2475        # Determine full sized (zoomed / pdf) dimensions
2476        zoom_width = int(width * DEFAULT_ZOOM_FACTOR)
2477        zoom_height = None
2478        if 'zoom' in config:
2479            if 'width' in config['zoom']:
2480                zoom_width = config['zoom']['width']
2482            if 'height' in config['zoom']:
2483                zoom_height = config['zoom']['height']
2485        if zoom_height is None:
2486            # the int seems to be important...
2487            unzoomed_aspect = width / height
2488            logging.debug('unzoomed aspect ' + str(unzoomed_aspect))
2489            zoom_height = int(zoom_width // unzoomed_aspect)
2491        # handle legacy sizing
2492        if 'thumbnail-width' in config:
2493            zoom_width = width
2494            zoom_height = height
2495            width = config['thumbnail-width']
2496            if 'thumbnail-height' in config:
2497                height = config['thumbnail-height']
2499            else:
2500                height = int(width // DEFAULT_ASPECT_RATIO)
2502        logging.debug(
2503            'unzoomed size {w1} x {h1} zoomed size {w2} x {h2}'.format(
2504                w1=width, h1=height, w2=zoom_width, h2=zoom_height
2505            )
2506        )
2508        # Build x-axis objects
2509        # first x axis is time
2510        x_axes = []
2512        purge = []
2514        # look for specific configuration for bottom axis
2515        if 'x-axis' in config:
2516            for x_axis in config['x-axis']:
2517                if x_axis.get('position', 'bottom') == 'bottom':
2518                    logging.debug(
2519                        'Building explicit x bottom axis from {strt} to {stop}'.format(
2520                            strt=sensing_start, stop=sensing_stop
2521                        )
2522                    )
2523                    bottom_axis = Axis(
2524                        start=sensing_start,
2525                        stop=sensing_stop,
2526                        locator=x_axis.get('locator'),
2527                        locator_modulus=x_axis['locator-modulus'],
2528                        formatter=x_axis.get('format'),
2529                        fontsize=x_axis['fontsize'],
2530                        label_fontsize=x_axis['label-fontsize'],
2531                        position=Axis.Position.BOTTOM,
2532                        colour=x_axis.get('colour'),
2533                        label_colour=x_axis.get('label-colour'),
2534                    )
2535                    x_axes.append(bottom_axis)
2536                    purge.append(x_axis)
2538        # add an automatic one otherwise
2539        if len(x_axes) == 0:
2540            x_axes.append(
2541                Axis(
2542                    position=Axis.Position.BOTTOM,
2543                    start=sensing_start,
2544                    stop=sensing_stop,
2545                )
2546            )
2548        # look for specific top axis configuration
2549        if 'x-axis' in config:
2550            for x_axis in config['x-axis']:
2551                if x_axis.get('position') == 'top':
2552                    top_axis = Axis(position=Axis.Position.TOP)
2553                    x_axes.append(top_axis)
2554                    purge.append(x_axis)
2555                    show_orbits = True
2557            for x in purge:
2558                config['x-axis'].remove(x)
2560            if len(config['x-axis']) > 0:
2561                raise ConfigError('Unrecognised x-axis')
2563        # now check if we need to automatically create a top axis
2564        if len(x_axes) == 1:
2565            # second x axis is orbit
2566            show_orbits = self.choose_show_orbits(
2567                show_orbits_request=config['show-orbits'], sid=sid, height=height
2568            )
2569            if show_orbits:
2570                orbit_min = None
2571                orbit_max = None
2572                x_axes.append(
2573                    Axis(start=orbit_min, stop=orbit_max, position=Axis.Position.TOP)
2574                )
2576        # oversampling reads a bit of extra data to the left and right of the graph
2577        # to avoid false gaps at the edges
2578        retrieve_start, retrieve_stop = self.oversample(
2579            sensing_start,
2580            sensing_stop,
2581            config['oversampling'] if not config['trim'] else None,
2582        )
2584        # basic data retrieval
2585        time_limits = TimeRange()
2586        all_series = []
2588        # Determine the type of limits
2589        limits_series = self.gen_all_limits_series(
2590            sid, sensing_start, sensing_stop, config.get('limits'), config['datapoint']
2591        )
2593        if limits_series is not None:
2594            all_series.extend(limits_series)
2596        for counter, dp in enumerate(config['datapoint']):
2597            # sampling -> Sampling (AUTOx, ALL_POINTS, FIT, stats types)
2598            sampling = self.choose_sampling(
2599                appearance=appearance,
2600                sid=sid,
2601                sensing_start=retrieve_start,
2602                sensing_stop=retrieve_stop,
2603                datapoint=dp,  #  includes modulus
2604                requested_sampling=config['sampling'],    # ap, stats
2605                requested_subsampling=config['subsampling'],  # yes/no
2606                # requested_modulus=config.get('modulus'),    # force exact subsampling
2607                requested_region=config.get('region'),    # force stats region
2608                width=zoom_width,
2609            )
2610            series = retrieve_series(
2611                sid=sid,
2612                sensing_start=retrieve_start,
2613                sensing_stop=retrieve_stop,
2614                datapoint=dp,
2615                calibrated=config['calibrated'],
2616                sampling=sampling,
2617                rowcount_threshold=config['rowcount-threshold'],
2618                time_limits=time_limits,
2619            )
2621            # check if the report uses calculated series and if so, apply the calculations
2622            self.apply_mods(series, dp)
2624            # get rid if +/- inf values
2625            self.remove_nonfinite(series)
2627            # choose modulus
2628            if sampling is Sampling.FIT or sampling.stats is True:
2629                if config['subsampling'] == 'none':
2630                    modulus = None
2632                elif 'modulus' in config:
2633                    modulus = config['modulus']
2635                else:
2636                    # subsampling factor
2637                    modulus = max(1, len(series.times) // zoom_width)
2638                    logging.debug(
2639                        'times {t} width {w} gives modulus {m}'.format(
2640                            t=len(series.times), w=zoom_width, m=modulus
2641                        )
2642                    )
2644            else:
2645                modulus = None
2647            # determine the bar-width
2648            if 'bar-width' in config:
2649                series.bar_width = config['bar-width']
2651            series.modulus = modulus
2653            # Enhance the Series objects with user choices
2654            self.markup_series(
2655                series,
2656                dp,
2657                marker_size=config.get('radius', config.get('marker-size')),
2658                trendline=config['trendline'],
2659                counter=counter,
2660            )
2662            # add a regions structure to data containing tuples of (start,stop)
2663            # contiguous data regions
2664            if appearance != 'scatter' and series.gap_threshold is not None:
2665                series.regions = list(
2666                    self.find_regions(
2667                        series.times,
2668                        series.gap_threshold
2669                        if modulus is None
2670                        else series.gap_threshold * modulus,
2671                    )
2672                )
2674            else:
2675                series.regions = ((0, len(series.times)),)
2677            # apply subsampling to either AP or stats data
2678            if modulus is not None:
2679                # we always allow stats plots to be subsampled
2680                self.subsample(series, modulus)
2681                # series.regions = list(self.find_regions(series.times,
2682                # series.gap_threshold * modulus,
2683                # 0))  # 1
2685                # if enabled, this hides gap in plot of
2686                # <datapoint><field>PLM_ASCAT_2.BNT0007</field></datapoint>
2687                # it was needed for something else though
2688                # else:
2689                # series.regions = ((0, len(series.times)),)
2691            else:
2692                logging.debug('No subsampling with modulus {m}'.format(m=modulus))
2694            all_series.append(series)
2696        if config['trim']:
2697            logger.debug('Trimming time range')
2698            for series in all_series:
2699                if len(series.times) > 0:
2700                    logger.debug(
2701                        'Trim {series} to {strt} to {stop}'.format(
2702                            series=series, strt=series.times[0], stop=series.times[-1]
2703                        )
2704                    )
2705                    sensing_start = max(sensing_start, series.times[0])
2706                    sensing_stop = min(sensing_stop, series.times[-1])
2707                    for x_axis in x_axes:
2708                        if x_axis.start is not None:
2709                            x_axis.start = sensing_start
2711                        if x_axis.stop is not None:
2712                            x_axis.stop = sensing_stop
2714        # do it after subsampling because the alg doesn't handle non-subsampled data
2715        if config['anomaly-response'].startswith('remove'):
2716            for series in all_series:
2717                self.remove_anomalies(series, config['anomaly-threshold'])
2719        else:
2720            logging.debug('Not removing anomalies')
2722        self.post_retrieve(all_series)
2724        # apply left side normalisation if selected
2725        # this is done before finding limits as we may have to rescale the axis afterwards
2726        if config.get('normalise'):
2727            self.normalise(all_series)
2729        # Decide what to call the output file
2730        filename = self.get_filename(
2731            config.get('filename'), config['datapoint'], document
2732        )
2733        filename = Path(filename)
2735        if config['trim']:
2736            # user has requested that the x-axis be trimmed to match the period where
2737            # data is actually available.
2738            # If no data was found we don't touch the limits
2739            if time_limits.start is not None:
2740                sensing_start = time_limits.start
2742            if time_limits.stop is not None:
2743                sensing_stop = time_limits.stop
2745        # We need a better way to set up plots. For now, just use one of the objects from
2746        # rpeorts/render.py. Currently it's only used for the call to render()
2747        # but can be expanded out in both directions
2748        # if config['date-format'] == 'auto':
2749        # date_formatter = Axis.AUTO_FORMATTER
2751        # else:
2752        # date_formatter = config['date-format']
2754        # if config['date-locator'].isdigit():
2755        # date_locator = int(config['date-locator'])
2757        # else:
2758        # date_locator = Axis.Locator(config['date-locator'])
2760        # build y-axes structure as list of Axis objects.
2761        # The first is the default axis, with no ID code, for left hand side
2762        # Optionally a second right hand axis can be specified
2764        def y_axis_from_config(axis_config):
2765            """Convert an item from the config['y-axis'] array into an Axis object."""
2766            return Axis(
2767                name=axis_config.get('name'),
2768                start=axis_config.get('min'),
2769                stop=axis_config.get('max'),
2770                formatter=axis_config.get('format'),
2771                locator=axis_config.get('locator'),
2772                position=Axis.Position(axis_config.get('position')),
2773                fontsize=axis_config.get('fontsize'),  # default?
2774                colour=axis_config.get('colour'),  # default
2775                label=axis_config.get('label'),  # auto
2776                label_fontsize=axis_config.get('label-fontsize'),
2777                label_colour=axis_config.get('label-colour'),
2778                minor_ticks=axis_config.get('minor-ticks'),
2779            )
2781        # create y axes
2782        y_axes = []
2783        # we remember the configration block for explicit axes in order to do more
2784        # setup later, using values that aren't stored in the Axis object
2785        y_axes_configs = {}
2786        # used to
2787        purge = []
2789        if 'y-axis' in config:
2790            # look for explicit left axis config
2791            for y_config in config['y-axis']:
2792                if y_config['position'] == 'left':
2793                    logging.debug('Configuring explicit left axis')
2794                    left_y_axis = y_axis_from_config(y_config)
2795                    y_axes.append(left_y_axis)
2796                    y_axes_configs[left_y_axis] = y_config
2797                    purge.append(y_config)
2798                    break
2800        # make a left axis if not specifically requested
2801        if len(y_axes) == 0:
2802            logging.debug('Configuring implicit left axis')
2803            default_y_axis = Axis(
2804                start=config.get('y-min'),
2805                stop=config.get('y-max'),
2806                position=Axis.Position.LEFT,
2807                label=config.get('y-label'),
2808            )
2809            y_axes.append(default_y_axis)
2810            # this is probably dumb, we can allow .margin in Axis objects
2811            y_axes_configs[default_y_axis] = {
2812                'margin': config['auto-axis-margin'],
2813            }
2815        if 'y-axis' in config:
2816            # look for explicit right axis config
2817            for y_config in config['y-axis']:
2818                # if 'id' in y:
2819                if y_config['position'] == 'right':
2820                    logging.debug('Configuring explicit right axis')
2821                    right_y_axis = y_axis_from_config(y_config)
2822                    y_axes.append(right_y_axis)
2823                    y_axes_configs[right_y_axis] = y_config
2824                    purge.append(y_config)
2825                    break
2827            for y in purge:
2828                config['y-axis'].remove(y)
2830            if len(config['y-axis']) > 0:
2831                raise ConfigError('Unrecognised y-axis')
2833        # make a default right axis if needed
2834        if len(y_axes) < 2:
2835            for d in config['datapoint']:
2836                if d.get('axis') == 2 or d.get('y-axis') == 'right':
2837                    logging.debug('Configuring legacy or implicit right axis')
2838                    right_y_axis = Axis(
2839                        start=config.get('y-min'),
2840                        stop=config.get('y-max'),
2841                        position=Axis.Position.RIGHT,
2842                        margin=config['auto-axis-margin'],
2843                    )
2844                    y_axes.append(right_y_axis)
2845                    y_axes_configs[right_y_axis] = {}
2846                    break
2848        # If the widget anomaly-response is 'axis', we are going by default to ignore
2849        # anomalous results when computing y-axis limits
2850        if config['anomaly-response'] == 'axis':
2851            for y_axis in y_axes:
2852                if 'anomaly-threshold' not in y_axes_configs[y_axis]:
2853                    y_axes_configs[y_axis]['anomaly-threshold'] = config[
2854                        'anomaly-threshold'
2855                    ]
2857        # now convert any default / named x_axis to references to Axis objects
2858        self.fix_axes_references(all_series, x_axes, y_axes)
2860        if 'default-y-min' in config and 'default-min' not in y_axes_configs[y_axes[0]]:
2861            y_axes_configs[y_axes[0]]['default-min'] = config['default-y-min']
2863        if 'default-y-max' in config and 'default-max' not in y_axes_configs[y_axes[0]]:
2864            y_axes_configs[y_axes[0]]['default-max'] = config['default-y-max']
2866        # determine actual min/max ranges
2867        for y_axis in y_axes:
2868            self.find_y_axis_limits(
2869                y_axis=y_axis, all_series=all_series, config=y_axes_configs[y_axis]
2870            )
2872        # set y axis labels
2873        for y_axis in y_axes:
2874            self.assign_y_axis_labels(y_axis, all_series)
2876        # set tick labels if the plot uses choices
2877        self.assign_y_axis_ticklabels(y_axes, all_series)
2879        # Create a list of Axis structures for the x-axes to pass to the render()
2880        # function later
2882        annotations = []
2883        if 'annotation' in config:    # but it's multiple?
2884            for a in config['annotation']:
2885                annotations.append(
2886                    Annotation(
2887                        text=a['text'],
2888                        colour=a['colour'],
2889                        size=a['size'],
2890                        x=a['x'],
2891                        y=a['y'],
2892                    )
2893                )
2895        presentation = Presentation(
2896            title=self.title,
2897            title_fontsize=config['title-fontsize'],
2898        )
2900        logging.debug('Render zoom graph {w}x{h}'.format(w=zoom_width, h=zoom_height))
2902        # y_axes[0].fontsize=settings.GRAPH_FONT_SIZE_ZOOM
2903        # y_axes[0].label_fontsize=settings.GRAPH_FONT_SIZE_ZOOM
2904        # x_axes[0].fontsize=settings.GRAPH_FONT_SIZE_ZOOM
2905        matplotlib_render(
2906            presentation=presentation,
2907            sid=sid,
2908            filename=filename,
2909            width=zoom_width,
2910            height=zoom_height,
2911            legend=legend,
2912            all_series=all_series,
2913            annotations=annotations,
2914            sampling=config['sampling'],
2915            appearance=appearance,
2916            dynrange_alpha=config['dynrange-alpha'],
2917            x_axes=x_axes,
2918            y_axes=y_axes,
2919        )
2921        thumbnail_filename = Path(
2922            '{base}{thumb}{ext}'.format(
2923                base=filename.stem,
2924                ext=Presentation.DEFAULT_EXT,
2925                thumb=document.theme.thumbnail_suffix,
2926            )
2927        )
2929        logging.debug('Render normal graph {w}x{h}'.format(w=width, h=height))
2930        # y_axes instead of: ylabels, ylimits
2931        y_axes[0].fontsize = settings.GRAPH_FONT_SIZE
2932        y_axes[0].label_fontsize = settings.GRAPH_FONT_SIZE
2933        x_axes[0].fontsize = settings.GRAPH_FONT_SIZE
2934        matplotlib_render(
2935            presentation=presentation,
2936            sid=sid,
2937            filename=thumbnail_filename,
2938            width=width,
2939            height=height,
2940            legend=legend,
2941            all_series=all_series,
2942            annotations=annotations,
2943            sampling=config['sampling'],
2944            appearance=appearance,
2945            dynrange_alpha=config['dynrange-alpha'],
2946            x_axes=x_axes,
2947            y_axes=y_axes,
2948        )
2950        # TBD: support live link to event based plot here
2951        event_plot = False
2952        for dp in config['datapoint']:
2953            if 'event' in dp:
2954                event_plot = True
2956        # Embed a URL in the plot info page which will jump to the same plot
2957        # in the plot tool
2958        if event_plot:
2959            url = ''
2961        else:
2962            # per-series trendlines are not passed though
2963            url = make_plot_url(
2964                datapoints=config['datapoint'],
2965                sid=sid,
2966                sensing_start=sensing_start,
2967                sensing_stop=sensing_stop,
2968                sampling=sampling,
2969                # subsampling=subsampling,    # first sampling?
2970                calibrated=config['calibrated'],
2971                appearance=appearance,
2972                y_min=config.get('y-min'),
2973                y_max=config.get('y-max'),
2974            )
2976        stats_table, below_graph_table = compute_stats(all_series, legend)
2978        document.append_figure(
2979            title=self.title,
2980            filename=thumbnail_filename,
2981            width=width,
2982            height=height,
2983            zoom_filename=filename,
2984            zoom_width=zoom_width,
2985            zoom_height=zoom_height,
2986            live_url=url,
2987            summary_info=None,
2988            datapoint_info=stats_table,
2989            widget=self,
2990        )
2992        if below_graph_table is not None:
2993            below_graph_table.write_html(document.html)
2995    def assign_y_axis_ticklabels(self, y_axes, all_series):
2996        """Set tick labels from choices if possible.
2998        We only do it if there's a y-axis with only a single dataseries plotted against
2999        it and that series has <choices> defined."""
3000        consider = defaultdict(list)  # Axis : list(FieldInfo)
3001        # Make a list of Series used by eac haxis
3002        for series in all_series:
3003            consider[series.y_axis].append(series)
3005        for y_axis, series_list in consider.items():
3006            # Only look for choices if we have an axis with a single series using it
3007            if len(series_list) == 1:
3008                series = series_list[0]
3009                field_info = series.field
3010                if field_info is not None:
3011                    choices = field_info.choices
3012                    if choices is not None:
3013                        # Insert tick labels for all defined choices
3014                        # The plotting code clips the axis to only the range of values
3015                        # for which we have data
3016                        y_axis.tick_label_pairs = []
3017                        for min_value, item in choices.items.items():
3018                            y_axis.tick_label_pairs.append([min_value, item.name])
3021def compute_stats(all_series, legend):
3022    stats_table = Table(
3023        headings=(
3024            'Table',
3025            'Field',
3026            'Description',
3027            'Min',
3028            'Avg',
3029            'Max',
3030            'Slope',
3031            'Plotted points',
3032        )
3033    )
3035    if legend == 'below-desc':
3036        below_graph_table = Table(
3037            title='Legend',
3038            cssclass='table nobreak nowrap',
3039            headings=('Colour', 'Field', 'Description'),
3040        )
3042    elif legend == 'below-desc-stats':
3043        below_graph_table = Table(
3044            title='Legend',
3045            cssclass='table nobreak nowrap',
3046            headings=(
3047                'Colour',
3048                'Field',
3049                'Description',
3050                'Min',
3051                'Max',
3052                'Avg',
3053                'Stddev',
3054                'Slope',
3055            ),
3056        )
3058    else:
3059        below_graph_table = None
3061    for series in all_series:
3062        stats = Stats(series)
3064        stats_table.append(
3065            (
3066                series.table.name if series.table is not None else '',
3067                series.field.name if series.field is not None else '',
3068                series.field.description if series.field is not None else '',
3069                stats.min,
3070                stats.avg,
3071                stats.max,
3072                stats.slope,
3073                stats.count,
3074            )
3075        )
3077        if legend == 'below-desc':
3078            # if 'label' in dp:
3079            # name = dp['label']
3081            # else:
3082            # name = dp['field'].name
3084            if series.label is not None:
3085                name = series.label
3087            elif series.field is not None:
3088                name = series.field.name
3090            elif series.table is not None:
3091                name = series.table.name
3093            elif series.event is not None:
3094                name = series.event.name
3096            below_graph_table.append(
3097                (
3098                    '<div style="background-color:{col}">&nbsp;</div>'.format(
3099                        col=series.line_colour or series.marker_colour
3100                    ),
3101                    name,
3102                    stats.html_description(),
3103                )
3104            )
3106        elif legend == 'below-desc-stats':
3107            if series.field is None:
3108                continue
3110            below_graph_table.append(
3111                (
3112                    '<div style="background-color:{col}">&nbsp;</div>'.format(
3113                        col=series.line_colour or series.marker_colour
3114                    ),
3115                    series.field.name,
3116                    stats.html_description(),
3117                    stats.min,
3118                    stats.max,
3119                    stats.avg,
3120                    stats.std,
3121                    stats.slope,
3122                )
3123            )
3125    return stats_table, below_graph_table
3128class DifferentLimitsError(Exception):
3129    """This error indicates when two sets of limits (onboard, yellow, red)
3130    are different."""
3132    def __init__(self, limits1, limits2):
3133        self.limits1 = limits1
3134        self.limits2 = limits2