1#!/usr/bin/env python3
  3"""Store and retrieve Events in the database EVENTS table."""
  5import logging
  6import operator
  7from fnmatch import fnmatch
  8from datetime import datetime
  9from datetime import timedelta
 10from typing import Union
 11from typing import List
 12from typing import Any
 14from chart.db.connection import db_connect
 15from chart.common.traits import is_listlike
 16from chart.common.traits import name_of_thing
 17from chart.db.settings import DatabaseEngine
 18from chart.db.func import Reversed
 20from chart.project import SID
 21from chart.common.xml import parse_xml
 22from chart.common.xml import xml_to_str
 23from chart.common.xml import XMLElement
 24from chart.events.eventclass import EventClass
 25from chart.events.event import Event
 26from chart.events.eventclass import EventTimeFilter
 27from chart import settings
 28from chart.web.user import User
 30logger = logging.getLogger()
 32db_conn = db_connect('EVENTS')
 35    # Classes which can support reading from tables into pseudo-events
 36    from chart.products.events import mof_events
 37    from chart.products.events import tc_events
 38    from chart.products.events import tm_events
 39    HANDLER_MODULES = (mof_events, tc_events, tm_events)
 40    # These are the default handler modules for non-event tables. Event class XMLs can also define
 41    # a custom module in the '<decoder>' field, that is then used to handle events
 42    # of that class.
 45    HANDLER_MODULES = tuple()
 47def store_event(event, commit=True, quiet=False):  # (unused argument) pylint: disable=W0613
 48    """Store instance of event in the database."""
 49    # was called store_in_db
 50    event.check()
 51    prop_str = xml_to_str(event.xml_properties(), xmlcharref=True)
 53    # query_insert_with_return occasionally fails on Oracle 10.
 54    # however we need it since ingester only sends event notifications if the event has an ID
 55    sid_vars, sid_binds = SID.sql_sys_insert('EVENTS')
 56    sid_vals = SID.bind_sys_insert('EVENTS', event.sid)
 57    if event.gen_method is not None:
 58        event.event_id = db_conn.query_insert_with_return(
 59            ('INSERT INTO EVENTS '
 60             '(event_class, gen_method, gen_time, start_time, stop_time, properties{sid_vars}) '
 61             'VALUES '
 62             '(:event_class, :gen_method, :gen_time, :start_time, :stop_time, '
 63             ':properties{sid_binds})').format(sid_vars=sid_vars, sid_binds=sid_binds),
 64            'id',
 65            start_time=event.start_time,
 66            stop_time=event.stop_time,
 67            gen_time=event.gen_time,
 68            event_class=event.event_classname,
 69            gen_method=event.gen_method,
 70            properties=prop_str,
 71            **sid_vals)
 73    else:
 74        event.event_id = db_conn.query_insert_with_return(
 75            ('INSERT INTO EVENTS '
 76             '(event_class, gen_time, start_time, stop_time, properties{sid_vars}) '
 77             'VALUES '
 78             '(:event_class, :gen_time, :start_time, :stop_time, '
 79             ':properties{sid_binds})').format(sid_vars=sid_vars, sid_binds=sid_binds),
 80            'id',
 81            start_time=event.start_time,
 82            stop_time=event.stop_time,
 83            gen_time=event.gen_time,
 84            event_class=event.event_classname,
 85            properties=prop_str,
 86            **sid_vals)
 88    # if not quiet:
 89    # logger.debug('Recorded as event id {id}'.format(id=event.event_id))
 91    if commit:
 92        db_conn.commit()
 95def update_event(event, properties=None):
 96    """Update event "in place" in the database. Used for OPERATOR events only.
 98    If `properties` is a list of strings (property names), only update those properties.
 99    """
100    # was called update_in_db
102    if properties is not None:
103        # this is not fully implemented
104        # if len(properties) != 1:
105            # raise ValueError('update_in_db() properties parameter is only implemented '
106                            # 'for a single parameter')
108        # updates = []
109        bindvars = {'event_id': event.event_id}
110        for p in properties:
111            if p == 'gen_time':
112                # value = self.gen_time
113                # updates.append((p. self.gen_time))
114                bindvars[p] = event.gen_time
116            # stop_time for OPERATOR events can be updated in place
117            elif p == 'stop_time':
118                bindvars[p] = event.stop_time
120            else:
121                raise ValueError(
122                    'update_in_db(): request for quickupdate to unhandled property: {p}'.format(
123                        p=p))
125        db_conn.query('UPDATE events SET {updates} WHERE id=:event_id'.format(
126                updates=','.join('{k}=:{k}'.format(k=k) for k in properties)),
127                 **bindvars)
128        db_conn.commit()
129        return
131    # check if we are already in DB
132    count, = db_conn.query('SELECT count(*) FROM events WHERE id=:id',
133                           id=event.event_id).fetchone()
134    if count != 1:
135        raise ValueError('Event id {id} found {count} times, cannot update'.format(
136            id=event.event_id, count=count))
138    event.check()
139    sid_vars = SID.sql_sys_update('EVENTS')
140    sid_vals = SID.bind_sys_insert('EVENTS', event.sid)
141    db_conn.query(
142        'UPDATE events SET '
143        'event_class=:event_classname, '
144        'start_time=:start_time, '
145        'stop_time=:stop_time, '
146        'gen_time=:gen_time, '
147        'properties=:properties{sid} '
148        'WHERE id=:event_id'.format(sid=sid_vars),
149        event_id=event.event_id,
150        start_time=event.start_time,
151        stop_time=event.stop_time,
152        gen_time=event.gen_time,
153        event_classname=event.event_classname,
154        properties=xml_to_str(event.xml_properties()),
155        **sid_vals)
156    db_conn.commit()
159def include_event_check(properties, inst_properties) -> bool:
160    """Check to see if event matches include critera.
162    Args:
163        `properties`: (list of tuples): Filter results by property match, (name, value, op).
164        `inst_properties`: (xml): Event properties to check
166    Returns:
167        True if the event is accepted for current render.
168    """
170    accept = None
172    if properties is not None:
173        for name, search_value, op in properties:
174            if name not in str(inst_properties):    # convert from byte array (oracle) to string
175                accept = False
176                break
178            # find filter parameter and extract value
179            elem = XMLElement(from_text=inst_properties)
181            # logger.debug('search search for ' + name)
182            # This shouldn't happen with a well-populated database, but sometimes it just happens
183            # that Events get into the database with missing Required instance properties, and to
184            # avoid runtime crashes we just ignore it
185            value = ''
186            for prop_elem in elem.findall('property'):
187                prop_name = prop_elem.parse_str('name')
188                if prop_name == name:
189                    value = prop_elem.parse_str('value')
190                    if value is None:
191                        value = ''
193                    break
195            # perform check
196            if op == operator.eq:
197                accept = fnmatch(value.upper(), search_value.upper())
199            else:
200                accept = op(value.upper(), str(search_value).upper())
202            if not accept:
203                # do not bother with anymore checks
204                break
206    else:
207        # no filter, get all events
208        accept = True
210    return accept
213def find_events_events_table(event_id,
214                             start_time,
215                             start_time_lt,
216                             stop_time,
217                             min_duration,
218                             max_duration,
219                             event_classes,
220                             sid,
221                             properties,
222                             ordering,
223                             from_to,
224                             count):
225    """Looks for events only in the EVENTS table.
227    Args:
228        `start_time` (datetime): Start of time range to search
229        `stop_time` (datetime):  End of time range to search
230        `properties`: (list): list of property triplets (name, value, op)
231        `sid` (SID) Source-ID to search for
232        `count` (bool): just return the number of events found
233        `ordering` (list of str | callable): Columns to order results by
235    Returns:
236        events: list of events which match input requirements
237    """
238    # logger.debug('find_events_events_table id {id} start {strt} stop {stop} cls {cls}'.format(
239        # id=event_id, strt=start_time, stop=stop_time, cls=event_classes))
240    clauses = []
241    bindvars = {}
243    if event_id is not None:
244        clauses.append('id=:event_id')
245        bindvars['event_id'] = event_id
247    # test for timerange clauses
248    if start_time is not None and stop_time is not None:
249        # test for intersection with start_time, stop_time
250        # check for start and stop equal
251        if start_time == stop_time:
252            clauses.append('(start_time=:start_time)')
253            bindvars.update({'start_time': start_time})
255        else:
256            # This algorithm scans for all events whose start time lies within the time range
257            # we're scanning.
258            # A previous version of this algorithm tool event stop time into account also
259            # and returned all events which intersect with the scan time range.
260            # This was changed for performance reasons to allow EVENTS table index to be used
261            # and also because the old functionality is believed to be unnecessary
262            clauses.append('start_time>=:start_time AND start_time<:stop_time')
263            bindvars.update({'start_time': start_time,
264                             'stop_time': stop_time})
266    elif start_time is not None and start_time_lt is not None:
267        # test for start time in range start_time, start_time_lt
268        clauses.append('start_time>=:start_time AND start_time<:start_time_lt')
269        bindvars['start_time'] = start_time
270        bindvars['start_time_lt'] = start_time_lt
272    elif start_time is not None and stop_time is None:
273        # lower bounded
274        clauses.append('start_time>=:start_time')
275        bindvars['start_time'] = start_time
277    elif start_time is None and stop_time is not None:
278        # upper bounded
279        clauses.append('start_time<:stop_time')
280        bindvars['stop_time'] = stop_time
282    if min_duration is not None:
283        clauses.extend(('stop_time IS NOT NULL',
284                        '(stop_time-start_time) >= :min_duration'))
285        bindvars['min_duration'] = min_duration
287    if max_duration is not None:
288        clauses.extend(('stop_time IS NOT NULL',
289                        '(stop_time-start_time) <= :max_duration'))
290        bindvars['max_duration'] = max_duration
292    if not is_listlike(event_classes):
293        event_classes = (event_classes, )
295    cls_sql = []
296    for i, cls in enumerate(event_classes):
297        # allow client to pass in a list containing None (events digest does this...)
298        if cls is None:
299            continue
301        varname = 'cls{i}'.format(i=i)
302        if isinstance(cls, str) and '%' in cls:
303            # the user has specified `cls` as a string
304            cls_sql.append('event_class LIKE :{var}'.format(var=varname))
306        else:
307            # the user has passed in an EventClass instance
308            cls_sql.append('event_class=:{var}'.format(var=varname))
310        bindvars[varname] = name_of_thing(cls)
312    if len(cls_sql) > 0:
313        clauses.append('({clauses})'.format(clauses=' OR '.join(cls_sql)))
315    # test for sid clauses
316    if sid is not None:
317        clauses.append(SID.sql_sys_where('EVENTS', sid))
319    if len(clauses) == 0:
320        # allow the query to proceed with no WHERE clauses
321        clauses.append('1=1')
323    events = []
324    events_count = 0
325    if from_to is not None:
326        page_start, page_stop = from_to
328    order_clauses = []
329    for o in ordering:
330        if callable(o):
331            order_clauses.append(o())
333        else:
334            order_clauses.append(o)
336    sql = ('SELECT event_class, start_time, stop_time, {props}, id, {sid} '
337           'FROM EVENTS e '
338           'WHERE {clauses} ORDER BY {ordering}').format(
339               props='e.properties.getBlobVal(871)' if db_conn.engine is DatabaseEngine.ORACLE else\
340               'e.properties',
341               clauses=' AND '.join(clauses),
342               ordering=','.join(order_clauses),
343               sid=','.join(SID.sql_sys_select('EVENTS')))
345    for event_classname, start_time, stop_time, properties_db, event_id, *sid_db in db_conn.query(
346            sql, **bindvars):
347        sid = SID.from_sys_select('EVENTS', sid_db)
349        # ensure properties passed as string
350        if isinstance(properties_db, str):
351            # postgres returns xml as str
352            inst_properties = properties_db
354        else:
355            # oracle returns xml as a handle
356            inst_properties = properties_db.read()
358        # filter properites in inst_properties before creating event, much faster than creating
359        # event first
360        if not include_event_check(properties, inst_properties):
361            continue
363        events_count += 1
365        # if we are counting, just bump the counter, else yield event
366        if not count:
367            # build event
368            if from_to is None or (page_start <= events_count <= page_stop):
369                events.append(Event(event_classname=event_classname,
370                                    start_time=start_time,
371                                    stop_time=stop_time,
372                                    event_id=event_id,
373                                    instance_properties_elem=parse_xml(inst_properties),
374                                    sid=sid))
376    return events_count, events
379def find_events(start_time: datetime = None,
380                start_time_eq: datetime = None,
381                stop_time: datetime = None,
382                event_class: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
383                ordering: str = 'start_time',
384                reverse_ordering: str = None,
385                properties: List = None,
386                from_to: tuple = None,  # (start, stop)
387                count: bool = False,
388                min_duration: timedelta = None,
389                max_duration: timedelta = None,
390                start_time_lt: datetime = None,
391                sid: SID = None,
392                single: bool = False,
393                filtering: EventTimeFilter = EventTimeFilter.SENSING_TIME,
394                multitable_extra_params: Any = None,
395                event_id: int = None,
396                user: User = None):
397    """Search EVENTS table and yield matching Event objects.
399    If start_time and stop_time are given we look for any event either:
400     - with no stop time, and a start time at least `start_time` but less than `stop_time` or
401     - where stop time is at least `start_time` and start time less than `stop_time`.
403    If the client wants to scan specifically and only for events where the start time
404    is within a time range, specify `start_time` and `start_time_lt`.
406    Args:
407        `start_time` (datetime): Start of time range to search
408        `start_time_eq` (datetime): Search for events with exact start time
409        `stop_time` (datetime): End of time range to search
410        `start_time_lt` (datetime): End of start time window
411        `sid` (SID): Source-ID to search for
412        `event_class` (str|list of str): Event class name(s) to search for
413        `gen_time` (datetime): Gen_time value to search for
414        `ordering` (str): Field to sort by
415        `from_to` (tuple): Return paginated results, from (first_row_number, last_row_number)
416        `count` (bool): just return the number of events found
417        `properties` (list of tuples): Filter results by property match. List elements contain
418            clauses    in the format (name, value, op) where:
419                `name` (str): Property name
420                `value` (object): Parameter
421                `op` (functions): binary functions from operator module
422        `single` (bool): just return the first event which matches input requirements
423        `filtering` (EventOrdering): Specify order and which timestamp to filter on for retrieved Events
424        `event_id` (int): Numerical event ID if reading from the EVENTS table
425        'user': This is used to block access to TM parameters.
427    Yields:
428        If `single` is set, yield one Event object.
429        If `count` is set, yield a single integer giving the number of events
430        Otherwise, yield a series of Event objects in with the ones from the EVENTS table
431            first then the others
432        Finally, if `from_to` is set, the final value yielded is a cont of total events
433    """
434    # Normalise `ordering` to a list of predicates,
435    # which could be an empty list, and each item could be a string or a callable
436    if ordering is None:
437        ordering = []
439    elif isinstance(ordering, str):
440        ordering = [ordering]
442    # logger.debug('find_events uid {id} filtering {fil} start {strt} start_eq {strteq}'.format(
443        # id=event_id, fil=filtering, strt=start_time, strteq=start_time_eq))
444    # Allow clients to specify a single event class or a list
445    # (plot viewer events overlay does this, maybe others)
446    if not is_listlike(event_class):
447        if event_class is None:
448            event_classes = []
450        else:
451            event_classes = [event_class]
453    else:
454        event_classes = event_class
456    # test for event class filter clauses
457    # if len(event_classes) == 0:
458        # the user has specified empty list of classes to search for ...
459        # if count:
460            # ... so return zero if counting ...
461            # yield 0
462            # return
464        # ... and yield no results otherwise
465        # return
467    ts_count = 0
468    ts_events = []
469    processed = []
471    # convert any string items in event_classes to EventClass objects
472    # (future tidyup - convert all the client code to pass in EventClass objects)
473    event_classes = [ec if isinstance(ec, EventClass) else EventClass(ec) for ec in event_classes]
475    # process non-standard storage classes
476    for event_class in event_classes:
477        if event_class.db_table is not None:
478            # Check for custom handler module
479            handler_module = event_class.decoder
481            # Check for default handler modules
482            if handler_module is None:
483                for mod in HANDLER_MODULES:
484                    if event_class.db_table == mod.DECODER_ID:
485                        handler_module = mod
487            if handler_module is None:
488                raise ValueError("No handler module was found for event class " + event_class.name)
490            if single:
491                # check for the first Event in the list of selected event types
492                classnames = [ec if isinstance(ec, EventClass) else
493                            EventClass(ec) for ec in event_classes]
494            else:
495                classnames = [event_class]
497            t_count, t_events = handler_module.find_events(
498                sid=sid,
499                start_time=start_time,
500                start_time_eq=start_time_eq,
501                stop_time=stop_time,
502                event_classes=classnames,
503                ordering=ordering,
504                from_to=from_to,
505                properties=properties,
506                count=count,
507                single=single,
508                filtering=filtering,
509                multitable_extra_params=multitable_extra_params,
510                user=user)
512            ts_count += t_count
513            ts_events += t_events
515            processed.append(event_class)
517            if single:
518                if len(ts_events) > 0:
519                    yield ts_events[0]
520                return
522    # We know we have to look in the original EVENTS table is either, the original request included
523    # non-multitable event classes, or if event_id was set (meaning search for a specific known event)
524    if len(event_classes) > len(processed) or event_id is not None:
525        # TBD simpler to remove items from event_classes as they are used, above.
526        # And avoid this loop
527        event_table_classes = []
528        for e in event_classes:
529            if e not in processed:
530                event_table_classes.append(e)
532        # now handle events from EVENTS table
533        ev_count, ev_events = find_events_events_table(event_id=event_id,
534                                                       start_time=start_time,
535                                                       start_time_lt=start_time_lt,
536                                                       stop_time=stop_time,
537                                                       min_duration=min_duration,
538                                                       max_duration=max_duration,
539                                                       event_classes=event_table_classes,
540                                                       sid=sid,
541                                                       properties=properties,
542                                                       ordering=ordering,
543                                                       from_to=from_to,
544                                                       count=count)
546    else:
547        ev_count = 0
548        ev_events = []
550    # TBD fix return values... either count or generator?
552    # now yield results
553    if count:
554        # yield total event count
555        yield ts_count + ev_count
557    else:
558        # Return all events whether from EVENTS table or custom tables
559        # The client code must sort them
560        yield from ts_events
561        yield from ev_events
563        # TBD do we need this weird return value
564        # Maybe something like "return chain(ts_events, ev_events), ts_count + ev_count"
565        # would be saner
566        if from_to is not None:
567            # finally, yield total event count as this is not the same as 'page full' of
568            # events returned
569            yield ts_count + ev_count
572def find_single_event(start_time=None,
573                      start_time_eq=None,
574                      stop_time=None,
575                      event_class=None,
576                      # gen_time=None,  # (unused arg) pylint: disable=W0613
577                      ordering='start_time',
578                      reverse_ordering=None,
579                      properties=None,
580                      from_to=None,
581                      sid=None,
582                      multitable_extra_params=None,
583                      event_id=None,
584                      user: User=None):
585    """Return the first matching event, or None if none are found."""
586    try:
587        # Remember find_events currently returns tuples of events list, events count
588        # (except when it doesn't)
589        return next(find_events(start_time=start_time,
590                                start_time_eq=start_time_eq,
591                                stop_time=stop_time,
592                                event_class=event_class,
593                                # gen_time,
594                                ordering=ordering,
595                                reverse_ordering=reverse_ordering,
596                                properties=properties,
597                                from_to=from_to,
598                                sid=sid,
599                                single=True,
600                                multitable_extra_params=multitable_extra_params,
601                                event_id=event_id,
602                                user=user))
604    except StopIteration:
605        return None
608def count_events(sid=None,
609                 start_time=None,
610                 stop_time=None,
611                 event_class=None,
612                 gen_time=None,  # (unused arg) pylint: disable=W0613
613                 properties=None,
614                 from_to=None,
615                 filtering=EventTimeFilter.SENSING_TIME):
616    """Return the number of matching Events using find_events function.
618    Args:
619        `start_time` (datetime): Start of time range to search
620        `stop_time` (datetime): End of time range to search
621        `sid` (SID): Source-ID
622        `event_class` (str|list of str): Event class name(s) to search for
623        `gen_time` (str): Gen_time value to search for
624        `from_to` (touple): (page_start, page_stop)
625        `count`: (bool): just return the number of events found
626        `properties`: (list): list of property triplets (name, value, op)
628    Returns:
629        int: Number of events
631    """
632    res = next(find_events(sid=sid,
633                       start_time=start_time,
634                       stop_time=stop_time,
635                       event_class=event_class,
636                       properties=properties,
637                       from_to=from_to,
638                       count=True,
639                       filtering=filtering))
640    # logger.info('Count got {cc}'.format(cc=res))
641    return res
644def delete_event(event_id, commit=True):
645    """Delete an event and properties."""
646    # logger.info('Deleting existing event id {0}'.format(event_id))
647    db_conn.query('DELETE FROM events WHERE id=:id', id=event_id)
648    if commit:
649        db_conn.commit()
652def delete_events(sid,
653                  event_class,
654                  start_time_ge=None,
655                  start_time_lt=None,
656                  start_time_le=None,
657                  commit=False):
658    """Delete all events matching args."""
659    clauses = []
660    bindvars = {}
661    if sid is not None:
662        clauses.append(SID.sql_sys_where_bind('EVENTS'))
663        bindvars.update(sid.bind_sys_where('EVENTS'))
665    if start_time_ge is not None:
666        clauses.append('START_TIME>=:start_time_ge')
667        bindvars['start_time_ge'] = start_time_ge
669    if start_time_lt is not None:
670        clauses.append('START_TIME<:start_time_lt')
671        bindvars['start_time_lt'] = start_time_lt
673    if start_time_le is not None:
674        clauses.append('START_TIME<=:start_time_le')
675        bindvars['start_time_le'] = start_time_le
677    clauses.append('EVENT_CLASS IN ({classes})'.format(
678            classes=','.join('\'{cls}\''.format(cls=cls) for cls in event_class)))
680    cur = db_conn.query('DELETE FROM EVENTS WHERE {clauses}'.format(clauses=' AND '.join(clauses)),
681                        **bindvars)
683    if commit:
684        db_conn.commit()
686    return cur.rowcount