1<table xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
 2       xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://chart/schemas/table.xsd">
 3    <description>Processes spawned by worker to execute jobs</description>
 4    <field>
 5        <name>ID</name>
 6        <datatype>int</datatype>
 7        <index>primary-key</index>
 8        <length>32</length>
 9        <default>autoincrement</default>
10    </field>
11    <field>
12        <name>GEN_TIME</name>
13        <datatype>datetime</datatype>
14        <default>current_timestamp</default>
15    </field>
16    <field>
17        <name>WORKER</name>
18        <datatype>string</datatype>
19        <length>100</length>
20    </field>
21    <field>
22        <name>PID</name>
23        <datatype>uint</datatype>
24        <length>32</length>
25        <allow-null>true</allow-null>
26    </field>
27    <field>
28        <name>EXECUTE_START</name>
29        <datatype>datetime</datatype>
30    </field>
31    <field>
32        <name>EXECUTE_STOP</name>
33        <datatype>datetime</datatype>
34        <allow-null>true</allow-null>
35    </field>
36    <field>
37        <name>STATUS</name>
38        <datatype>string</datatype>
39        <length>100</length>
40        <choices>
41            <item><name>RUNNING</name></item>
42            <item><name>COMPLETED</name><description>The process completed according to the CHART algorithm API. This does not mean the individual jobs succeeded</description></item>
43            <item><name>FAILED</name><description>The process did not run properly and failed to follow the CHART algorithm API. All associated jobs will be marked as FAILED</description></item>
44            <item><name>TERMINATED</name><description>The process was killed by the user</description></item>
45        </choices>
46    </field>
47    <field>
48        <name>WORKING_DIR</name>
49        <datatype>string</datatype>
50        <length>1000</length>
51        <allow-null>true</allow-null>
52    </field>