1#!/usr/bin/env python3
  3"""Implementation of functions to find PUS satellite state at time."""
  5from datetime import datetime
  6from datetime import timedelta
  7from typing import Iterable
  8from typing import Tuple
  9from typing import Dict
 10import logging
 12logger = logging.getLogger()
 14from chart.project import SID
 15from chart.db.model.table import TableInfo
 16from chart.db.model.field import FieldInfo as ParamInfo
 17from chart.db import ts
 18from chart.db.func import SensingTime
 19from chart.db.func import Reversed
 20from chart.plots.sampling import Sampling
 22def build_state(
 23        source_table:TableInfo,
 24        sid:SID,
 25        sensing_time:datetime,
 26        params:Iterable[ParamInfo],
 27        details:bool=False) -> Tuple[Dict[ParamInfo,object]]:
 28# -> (Dict[ParamInfo, object], Dict[ParamInfo, datetime], Dict[ParamInfo, int])
 29# Returns 3 dicts giving values, timestamps and SPIDs
 31    """Build a subset of the satellites status at a particular time.
 33    The function scans back through time, to launch if needed, until it finds the last
 34    known value of each requested parameter. Return value is a dict of ParamInfo
 35    against value for each requested parameter. If any can't be found anywhere in the
 36    database prior to `sensing_time` a None is returned in the dict for that parameter.
 38    Return value is a tuple whose first value is a dict of param_name:raw_value.
 39    The second and third results are dict of param:time and param:spid if `details` is set.
 40    If not set the times and spids may be empty, depending on whether stats had to be used.
 41    """
 42    # here we make a dump simple algorithm that just scans through 20 minutes of AP
 43    # data. What we should do though is use stats to quickly scan back to launch
 44    remaining = list(params)
 45    logger.info('Building machine state for {sid} at {time} for {cc}: {params}'.format(
 46        sid=sid,
 47        time=sensing_time,
 48        cc=len(remaining),
 49        params=', '.join(r if source_table.fields[r].calibration_name is None else '{r} ({c})'.format(
 50            r=r, c=source_table.fields[r].calibration_name) for r in remaining)))
 51    # Record the most recent value found for each parameter
 52    state = {}
 53    # (for API use only) record the timestamp and SPID each parameter used
 54    spids = {}
 55    times = {}
 56    # We scan backwards from the starting time, one block at a time, looking for the most
 57    # recent packet containing each of the requested parameters
 58    BLOCK_LENGTH = timedelta(minutes=1)
 59    # If the first block doesn't contain everything we check a few more before quitting
 60    # (a function could be implemented to check stats instead, starting with the biggest
 61    # available and zooming in)
 62    # 20 is nice and fast and used to work
 63    # in v3.21 we added param F88D080K with inputs P99EA57X, P99EA58X, P99EA59V
 64    # which are not sent often but are sent on 2024-02-02
 65    BLOCK_COUNT = 20
 66    remaining_set = set(remaining)
 67    cc = 0
 68    # first phase - scan back BLOCK_COUNT iterations of BLOCK_LENGTH to quickly fill
 69    # about 90% of the required parameters, before we try anything clever with stats
 70    for _ in range(BLOCK_COUNT):
 71        if cc % 1 == 0:
 72            logging.debug('Building initial state need {rem} scan {strt}'.format(
 73                rem=len(remaining), strt=sensing_time - BLOCK_LENGTH))
 75        cc += 1
 76        # examine the payload of every packet in the block
 77        for sensing_time, spid, payload, in ts.select(
 78                sid=sid,
 79                sensing_start=sensing_time - BLOCK_LENGTH,
 80                sensing_stop=sensing_time,
 81                table=source_table.storage_table,  # to access PAYLOAD field of raw packets
 82                fields=(SensingTime,
 83                        source_table.storage_table.fields['SPID'],
 84                        source_table.storage_table.fields['PAYLOAD']),
 85                calibrated=False,  # the individual funcs apply calibration as needed
 86                ordering=Reversed('sensing_time')):
 87            # check what parameters we got
 88            packet_set = set(payload.keys())
 89            # Quickly identify which if any of the remaining required parameters are in this packet
 90            found = remaining_set.intersection(packet_set)
 91            for f in found:
 92                if f not in state:
 93                    # Only debug log the first time we find each parameter
 94                    # Subsequent values will replace the initial one in the result, but
 95                    # we don't bother logging that
 96                    logging.debug('Found initial {param} val {val} at {time}'.format(
 97                        param=f, val=payload[f], time=sensing_time))
 99                state[f] = payload[f]
100                times[f] = sensing_time
101                spids[f] = spid
102                # trap the case of a row containing multiple triggers but only a subset are needed
103                # to complete the state
104                if f in remaining:
105                    remaining.remove(f)
107            # exit the block if we found everything
108            if len(remaining) == 0:
109                break
111        # don't search any more blocks if we found everything
112        if len(remaining) == 0:
113            break
115        sensing_time -= BLOCK_LENGTH
116        # if sensing_time < datetime(2024, 2, 2):
117            # we need to use TM_STATE or stats to do this better
118            # this date is a day that P99EA57X is sent down
119            # break
121    if len(remaining) > 0:
122        logging.info('After initial scan got {got} remaining {r}'.format(
123            got=len(remaining), r=', '.join(remaining)))
124        sampling = Sampling.MIN_20
125        purge = []
126        for r in remaining:
127            logger.debug('Stats scan for {r} using {s}'.format(r=r, s=sampling.name))
128            rows = ts.select(
129                sid=sid,
130                sensing_start=datetime(2000, 1, 1),  # TBD look up launch time
131                sensing_stop=sensing_time,
132                table=source_table,
133                fields=(SensingTime, source_table.fields[r]),
134                calibrated=False,
135                ordering=Reversed('sensing_time'),
136                region=sampling,
137                stat='MIN',
138                limit=1).fetchall()
139            # logger.debug('rows ' + str(rows))
140            # now we have a serious inefficiency - we do an AP scan of the 20-min block to
141            # find a value to use. Could be optimised by a) read the MAX stat and if the same
142            # as MIN and `details` not set, we just use that value and
143            # b) cluster together the fields in each 20-minute block so we only do a single
144            # sweep per block instead of a sweep per parameter
145            if len(rows) == 0:
146                logger.warn('Failed to find value for {r} in stats scan'.format(r=r))
147                continue
149            start_time = rows[0][0]
150            stop_time = start_time + sampling.nominal_duration
152            logger.debug('  got min {mn}, running packet scan from {strt} to {stop}'.format(
153                mn=rows[0][1],strt=start_time, stop=stop_time))
154            for sensing_time, spid, payload, in ts.select(
155                    sid=sid,
156                    sensing_start=start_time,
157                    sensing_stop=stop_time,
158                    table=source_table.storage_table,  # to access PAYLOAD field of raw packets
159                    fields=(SensingTime,
160                            source_table.storage_table.fields['SPID'],
161                            source_table.storage_table.fields['PAYLOAD']),
162                    calibrated=False,  # the individual funcs apply calibration as needed
163                    ordering=Reversed('sensing_time')):
164                if r in payload.keys():
165                    logger.debug('  found {param}:{value} at {when}'.format(param=r, value=payload[r], when=sensing_time))
166                    state[r] = payload[r]
167                    times[r] = sensing_time
168                    spids[r] = spid
169                    # remaining.remove(r)
170                    purge.append(r)
171                    break
173            if r not in purge:
174                logger.warn('AP scan failed to find value in stats')
176        for p in purge:
177            remaining.remove(p)
179    logging.info('Found initial state of {p} with {r} remaining'.format(
180        p=len(state),
181        r=', '.join(remaining) if len(remaining) > 0 else 'none',
182        # p=', '.join('{k}:{v}'.format(k=k, v=v) for k, v in state.items()),
183        # r=len(remaining)))
184        ))
185    return state, times, spids